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Bakugou's POV

"Who was Yui with?" I said looking at Yui and the boy pulling her disappear making a turn around the corner

"She said it was her friend Shoma" Nebu said looking down at the ice cream options.

"Do you know what her quirk is?"

"Adapting she calls it. She's still trying to figure out how to use it but its pretty powerful. Hi can I get a single scoop of honey vanilla?" Shoto and him ordered their ice cream and I was lost in my own thought.

"Hey are you okay?" Shoto said holding my hand

"Yea just thinking, I'm sure I've seen her but I'm not sure why I'm so shaken up by her"

"don't attack Nedu with questions right now, lets just enjoy this time. And you were the one who suggested bonding with him"

"You're right" I quickly kissed him on the lips "I love you"

"I love you more"


one week later

It was Nedu's birthday, auntie Inko invited me over a small party they were going to have for him with some of his friends as well. Shoto and I went inside their house and saw Nedu, Eri, Yui, And Kota.

"Kacchan!" Eri shouted running up to me and Shoto trying to hug us together

"Hi Eri" Shoto said pulling her in a hug "You're so big, I miss you so much"

"I miss you too" she went back to her group of friends.

"Kacchan" aunti Inko said opening her arms for a hug

"Hi auntie Inko, thank you for inviting us"


"Alright its time for the cake!" everyone went over to the table surrounding Nedu and we all began to sing happy birthday. He blew out his candles and cheered.

Yui jumped a little and looked to her side as if she had seen something. She took a deep breath while everyone was focused on Nedu she quietly left the group and went to the back and out to the back yard.

I followed and quietly opened the door to listen.

"Izuku you almost gave me a fucking heart attack in there!" Yui whispered yelled. I froze to the name.

Izuku? Shes kidding right? wait I remember her now. She was the kid at my graduation ceremony.

I felt my heart race by the second. I tried to control my breath trying to understand what was going on.

"no, what if you get caught? Your hair gives everything away! and well not you Lily" she spoke. I took a peek but there was no one.

Is she insane right?

"two hours take or give because I get tired too" She said in a demanding voice. I kept looking as it got quiet. A gush of wind appeared out of no where, I held the door nearly shutting on me. I open it a little more looking over, my eyes widen at the sight of two people in hero suits.

"Thank you Yui, we'll try to finish soon"

"Just save your friend okay" Yui said, Izuku gave her a hug and then was held by the female heroine and flew up to the sky lost in sight.

I quietly closed the door and walked back towards the party. My heart beat was in my ears. I tried to ease my breathing after what I saw.

Was that really Izuku?

Swan dive // Izuku fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now