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Izuku's POV

It has been a week since I had died. Sometimes it feels unreal. I kind of miss school, I didn't have many friends but I did enjoy some subjects. Kacchan was allowed to be at home for a week becuase of my situation, and sent him to therapy to get evaluated and checked. He had some classmates drop off notes and homework. I didn't go to his therapy evaluation or his sessions, I felt that was more personal. 

I painted my "room" with multiple creatures I practiced doing, I started to build a new skill which was designing, I made my space bigger to start practicing sewing. I designed and made costumes for Kacchan although I knew he would never use them.

I would sometimes pray which was a little weird to me knowing that I know what the after life is like, but I prayed for my mom to gain strength again. It was hard for her to eat and do anything. She went into a great depression, Kacchan's mom helped her a lot to eat and motivated her to go out the house to get fresh air and reminded her she needs to keep going for my sake. 

"we need to go to the hospital to let them know what to do with his body Inko" Mitsuki said

"I don't think I'm ready to say good bye" she muttered as she tried to hold back her tears

"Inko, if you don't take this step you will never recover. I know I may not understand your loss but I want you to keep living" She tried to be tough and confident for her

"you're right, he would want me to keep living"

"put on some comfortable clothes" she helped her up with her hand and my mom walked to her room to change. 

At the hospital

"Hi I'm Inko Midoriya, I'm here for my sons body" 

"Yes you can come this way Ms. Midoriya. Your friend will have to wait in the waiting room, family only" 

Matsuki nodded and smiled at her saying she will wait for her.

I walked along with her.

I'm going to see my own body

A doctor in a lab coat uncovered my cold body revealing my face up to my chest. I felt calm, I looked like I was sleeping rather than dead. I was pale, my freckles were not as dark as before. My mom soothed my cheek with the back of her hand.

"oh my baby boy, I'm sorry I failed you as a mother. you were so b-bright a-and kind, I will never know why you did this. I will learn to understand what happened to you and help others so no parent ever feels what I do" her tears began to drop on my shoulders. She ran her fingers through my forest green hair a couple times. She picked up my body and hugged it.

"I love you baby, I love you so much. I hope you're in a better place now, where no one will ever hurt you ever again. I will miss you so much baby, I'll see you when it is my time. You would have been a wonderful hero I know you wanted to be like All Might. Be a hero for me from above baby boy." She hugs me a little longer until the doctor said my body can't be out for a long period of time.

She inhailed and exhaled deeply. Almost like if she was at peace. I reach for her for a hug, and for a faint moment I felt her. I hugged as tight as I could so she could know I am okay. She gasped to my touch. She hugs herself for a while and then leaves the room looking back at my body one last time. 

She fills out some paperwork to what will happen. She did not want to bury me and chose to cremate my body. 

"Thank you a lot Mitsuki. I think my boy is fine. I felt it" She smiled

"You're not alone, we are here for you" 

when they get home so does Kacchan.

"Hello Ms. Medoriya" Kacchan bows to her

"Hello Kacchan, how are you?"

"I'm.. feeling" was all he said

"It's better than nothing" she hugged him and smiled 

"what will happen to him?"

"we are cremating him. I went to see him one last time today. He's okay Kacchan, I felt him" she smiled at him holding his shoulders firmly to assure him

"you felt him? did you see him?"

"I didn't see him, I just felt his presense. Like he tried to hug me to tell me he's okay. I want to help more kids like him. So none of them have to feel what he went through."

"I'll help too" I said with tears in my eyes

"Thank you"

I looked at Kacchans mom, knowing she doesn't believe he will change knowing the truth of what Kacchan did to me. 

Think of me again Kacchan. I need to talk to you. 

I said out loud although I know he won't hear me or respond. 


Bakugou's POV

I walked to my room and close the door. I look at my knuckles seeing how much they have healed. I grab my towel and head to my shower room.

I turn on the shower I turned it warm and increased the heat as my body felt more comfortable with the temperature. I let my body soak and burn my skin as I feel comfort. 

"I need you Izuku" I thought to myself



"Katsuki are you okay?" I hear Inko say 

"Yea I'm sorry I got soap in my eye" shout

"was that Izuku? am I going insane?" I thought to myself, I washed and rinsed myself and got out the shower.

I dried myself putting on some underwear and shorts. I grab the hoodie I took from Izuku's closet and put it on with no shirt under. It felt soft and warm, like if it were him. I pulled the hood over and laid down in my head inhaling his smell.

Izuku....I need you

"Kacchan" I hear a wisper. I keep my eyes closed for a while hoping its my imagination

"I'm here Kacchan"  I open my eyes knowing this time I was not crazy.

"Izuku?" I sit up and see him standing in the middle of my room

"I didn't want to scare you, I'm sorry"

"No acutally this feels better now knowing I'm not going insane" we looked at each other in silence not sure what to say.

"How am I-"

"Are you o-" we talked at the same time.

"Sorry you can go first" He smiled

"How am I able to see you?"

"You're channeling me, you concentrated and thought of me enough to talk to me. Like a spiritual cell phone"

"So there's no God?"

"We'll its hard to understand, I don't understand it myself and I can't really speak about it. I guess we all just find out when we die" he chuckled scratching the back of his head

"I miss you Izuku" I looked down at my fidgeting hands


"what do you mean why, you left me here and its all my fault I told you all those mean things without thinking"

"you didn't answer the question Katsuki"  my eyes widen to him calling my name, I see his face that is now serious.

"I liked... you" I started to cry to the word 'like' knowing I could never give him the love I wanted to give him.


Suicide hotline site:http://www.suicide.org/international-suicide-hotlines.html

USA suicide hotline: 1-800-273-8255

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