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Izuku's POV

So you said I can go down there and talk to them? touch them? or  they can see me?

Not exactly, they have to chanel them. They have to be concentrated, they have to think about nothing but you  and focus on you. It takes a while for humans to do this but there are people who can do this and communicate with anyone who has passed away.

hmm.. so why am I the only one here? where is everyone else?

We'll you will join everyone else when you're ready.

Ready for what?

To let go of earth. No pressure, theres no time here really.

Okay... are there more people who who are also waiting like me? in a blank room with..you? or myself? I'm still a bit confused.

Yes, there are other people waiting like you.

Can I see my mom?

The room transitioned outside of my house. I attempted to grab the handle but went through it, I pulled away, a bit scared from the ability.I walk in through the door.

I see my mom on the couch with Kacchan's mom.

"I can't believe he's gone. He slipped through my hands like water. Why didn't I notice?"She said blankly like he had no strength in her.

"He's in a better place Inko. I know he went through a lot.." She hesitaed, like she wanted to say something.

"I'm sorry Inko I don't know what to day, your boy was very amazing and cheerful. He was so good to my Katsuki. I could never understand what you are going through, I will try my best to be there with you." She began to sob.

You were like a mother to me too..

"I don't think I can go inside his room. I don't think I can stay here" My mom said

"Please stay with us until you are ready. I insist." she grabbed her cup of tea and put it on my moms hands.

my mom nodded.

"I'll grab some of your clothes so you can come with us, you can sleep in our guest room."

She stood up and went upstairs to my moms room. My mom set her cup down and stood up. She grabbed a picture of me and her, it was her and I. I was in my All Might onesie and she was smiling so big. So was I. She kissed the picture and held it to her chest tightly. Letting out a soft sob to not make much noise.

She was always so strong.

how could I have done this to her.

It broke my heart.

I'm sorry mom.

"WHY IZUKU" She screamed and threw the picture across the room. She started to throw things and broke a case with flowers and the tea cup on the table.

"Inko!" Kacchans mom ran to mine holding her down


Kaccans mom held her and just soothed her, trying to understand her frustration.

I fall on my knees next to her, with my head bowed to her feet crying


I cried harder. My mom had calmed down.

one hour later

My mom left with Kacchan's mom. I followed them to their home, they were only 3 blocks away. So they walked. They walk in and I follow.

Swan dive // Izuku fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now