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Bakugou's POV
"It's quite exciting to see you two applied to UA. Although, Izuku you don't have a quirk you would need great recommendations if you are going into UA"

"Y-yes I know but they changed that rule last year that you don't need a quirk to get in!"

"Well good luck to both of you and make us proud!"

"Tsk, I know I'm already getting in I have the greatest quirk and smart as hell" I say with a smirk

I slammed deku on the wall
"What the fuck did I tell you huh?"

"Look kachan I just want to save people like All Might"

"You think you're better than me!?"

"N-n-no Of course not you know I don't have a quirk"

I punch him in the face, and grabbed him by the throat and start to burn him.

"You're going to go and tell the principal you are taking back your application. I don't need extras like you in the same school as me you got it?!" I scream at him.

He nods and whippers. I let go of him and he coughs and drops to the floor.

I turn around and walk away. I can hear him whimper and cry.

A sudden feeling of guilt hits my stomach.

The fuck?

I shrug it off and head towards my house.
"I'm home old hag" I yell

"Don't fucking disrespect me you little shit" she smacks my head and rub it off.

"The fuck is that for?"

"For being disrespectful and useless little shit."

"Tsk, what's for dinner?"

"Just heat it up, it's on the stove you're old enough to serve yourself"

I serve myself food and go to my room.

I start to feel that guilt again. Ugh I lost my appetite.

I put on shorts and a tank top and fall asleep.
Izuku's POV
I went to my neighbors door, I knew he sells drugs. He is very nice, and seems very clean. Not what I expected as a drug dealer. I see people come by his house a lot. I've seen him through my window, about 50 people come in and out.

I knock on his door.

"Hi Mr. Tanaka, Um.. I know you um sell drugs and I was umm wondering if I can buy some from you." I mumble as my heart beats faster and feel super hot all of a sudden.

"Ha,aren't you like 12?"

"N-no sir I'm 14"

"Well baby face. What do you want?"

"An eighth.. please" I saved enough money from the small chores I've been helping around the neighborhood.

"Sure, give me a minute" he leaves his door half way open.

I peek inside and it's very clean. You can't smell anything bad. This is probably the cleanest dealer I've seen.

"Alright here ya go. Pay up." I hand him money and take the weed. He shuts the door

How am I going to smoke this?

Later that night

I search up ways to smoke weed. I can't buy any kind of bowl or bong, or blunts. I'd have to improvise.

I take a banana from the kitchen and a knife.

This should do the trick.

I cut the end of the banana and take out the fruit. I make a small square in the middle and take out the piece and eat it.
I take a straw and make a hole way from the end of the banana to the middle for me to inhale through.

I text it out to make sure there's an airway. It works. I take the end of the banana that I initially cut and place it on the square in the middle of the banana.

Environmental friendly and fun.


My mom is asleep so I quietly take my weed, and my banana bowl down stairs quietly not even breathing and sweating at the same time scared my mom will hear.

Shit I don't have a lighter... ah the matches.

Its a warm July night with no wind. I break up my weed into small pieces and put it in the little square I had first cut in.

I strike a match and with the only light I had I burn the weed and inhale a long but soft hit to prevent myself from coughing.

I exhale and cough a little bit. Well that's great for a first time.

I hit it a couple more times and finish my first small amount of weed. I started to feel warm.

I put another bud in and finish that. I dump out the ashes in the alley and break my banana apart eating the parts that do not have ash or weed.

I quietly go back inside and put back the matches to its place. I feel very light and take another banana and eat it.

My mouth is dry. Ha I got cotton mouth.

I take a bottled water to my room, and sit at in my bed for a while staring into space. Not thinking of anything for once.

Will I get into UA? I had some good recommendations. I hope I passed the exams. I studied quite well, mostly because I keep waking up at 4:23AM, For some reason.

I start to drink my water. I drink faster but I slow myself down to avoid feeling bloated and choke.

I look at the time.



The second my head hits the pillow I sleep.

I slip

I gasp and wake up in a cold sweat again.

Fuck. Did the weed not work? I don't have a head ache but I still feel a bit high. Not a lot but faint.

I look at the time.


Hmm I'm late to my usual nightmare. I think sarcastically to myself
I yawn and go back to sleep.
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