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Izuku's POV

I close my eyes and I'm back at the white space.

"Huh? what happened? "

Well you kind of have a time limit. Sometimes it can go for a long time,  or short as 10 minutes. Depends how concentrated the person is.

" I just realized. My body is clean, I don't feel pain or hung over."

It's just your physical body that felt that, your spirit was not harmed. You are happier after all aren't you? you left all the pain you were put through behind. I know you feel bad for leaving your mom and Katsuki, but all you have to concentrate now is to be at peace of mind.

I sat down on the floor and looked around. I was still processing everything. Its only been a couple hours yet it feels like its been years.

"I have all the time right? I don't grow old? and can I have some things in here? its pretty boring. I think I'll be here for a while" I scratch the back of my head with a bit of embarrassment asking so many questions

Yea, consider it like your new home if you would like.


After an hour, I got myself a bed, a desk, a notebook, pencils, color pencils, paints, brushes, some clothes, and snacks for myself. I wasn't hungry but its not like I will go sick or lose weight, I took advantage of it. I asked for a lot of art supplies becuase I did like art I just wanted to be a hero more than anything.

I started to draw in my fresh new notebook of what I was going to do with the white walls that seem to be my room now. I started to draw some creatures, I drew dragons, phoenix's, fish and more animals.

When I was satisfied with what I wanted I grabbed a small canvas to practice on what I would do on the wall.


"AH! sorry, I forget I'm here sometimes" I blush.

I think Katsuki wants to see you..

"can you take me to where he is?"

the white room vanishes. I'm in front of his house now. I walk through the door and see my mom on the couch with a cup in her hands. Kacchan's mom was next to her brushing her hair trying to sooth her.

Where is kacchan?

I go up the stairs to his room. I see him sit on his bed holding a picture of him and I smiling. I smile remembering when we were kids. Before the bullying started, he use to smile a lot more. I know his parents weren't all that comforting to him, much less his mom.

The door opens. It's his mom, she pulls Kacchan's chair and sits infront of him.

"I don't know where to start. I am furious at you Katsuki. I can't even express how mad I am. The boy's mother is here. I would give you a good beating that's for sure. You're not only a piece of shit of a son, but a murderer. I don't even know what to do with you" her hands are in her hair.

"I'm always mad... because I think the world is against me. He was quirkless and he always looked at me with this stupid face when we were kids. I fell off a log once and he tried to help me. To him I seemed helpless. I wanted to be number one always. Without the help of anyone" he began to sob

I sit next to him, I try to grab his hand but I went through it.

"And that's your excuse of being a shitty friend. You grew up with him, he loved you and you didn't see it Katsuki! He looked up to you and all you did was bully him. I should have known it was your fault!" She began to raise her voice.

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