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Bakugou's POV

I feel myself awake, but my eyes were to heavy to open. I didn't bother opening them, I moved my very stiff body and relax feeling how oddly I slept. I don't remember what happened. I don't even know where I am, for all I could be in someone's house. I finally had the strength to open my eyes.

It's definitely not my room

I was on a king size bed with blue sheets and the room was a dark blue as well. I look around and see a small twin bed on the floor as well. There was a body there but they had a blanket over them. I look down and realized I'm only wearing my underwear.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK! Did I have sex with them? I don't see a condom. I don't see cum on the bed either. But I would wake up next to them not them on a bed on the floor. Ugh whatever I'll just leave.

I quietly get off the bed and luckily my clothes were near by. I put on my shoes and quietly leave the room. The house was quiet, and big. I walk into the living room and and slowly tip toed towards the door. I lock it and close it quietly behind me. I feel my pockets and luckily I had my phone and wallet on me.

I walk towards the gate of the house and look at the name on the wall


"Shit" I say to myself, I bite my finger in regret. I feel a huge throb on my head and I held it with my finger tips and began to rub my temples.

I began to walk in the direction of my house. I kept my eyes closed and try to breath deeply.

I bump into a small person.

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry I wasn't looking" she began to mumble and pick up her fallen groceries. I began to help.

"No, I'm sorry I wasn't looking myself actually" I looked up and stayed quiet.

"Oh! Um hi! I think we've met before. I'm sorry I recognize your face but I forgot your name" she says smiling and standing up.

"Yea I'm Katsuki, you helped my hands around 3 years ago. I'm sorry I forgot your name as well" I say sheeply

"Melissa" she smiles

"Right. Well I'm glad to see you. How have you been?"

"Great, I'm graduating next week and then I'll be off to med school to become a surgeon"

"Wow that's great. I just graduated yesterday and I'm still going for pro hero"

"Wow that's great I look forward to see you in the news and all over" she says excited

"Yea I hope I get to see a lot of your accomplishments as well"

"Do you live around here? I'm not that far from here either" she said pointing at the direction towards her house.

"No I just stayed at a friends house for the night. I'm going home now"

"Well alright. Hey let's keep in touch this time, here is my number" she pulled out a small notepad and pen and wrote her number and handed me the small sheet

"Don't be a stranger. See you later" she walked away and waved good bye

"See ya" I put the number in my phone right away knowing I'll forget the paper in my pants and lose her number. I throw away the little paper in the trash can and walk home.

Twenty minutes later I walk inside my house taking off my shoes quietly and walk to my room. I close the door and shut my blinds and fall into my bed. I take off my pants and quickly fall asleep again.

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