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Izuku's POV

It was the following day and three in the afternoon. I was out for a long time, at least I thought I was. Yui doesn't have school today, I go to her house and see her doing her homework in the living room.

"Yui" I announce

I can't tell her... it's going to hurt us.

"Izu! Oh my god I missed you so much, it's been a while since we've hung out!" She cheerfully gets up and hugs me causing me to appear.

"I missed you" she hugs me tight.

"I missed you too" I began to feel weak, my chest felt heavy as well.

"How's school?" I break the silence and hug letting her back to her homework.

"It's hard, I don't know how Shoto and Katsuki do it"

"They are very intelligent" I said sitting next to her. She stared at her work sheet for a moment.

"Are you okay? What is it?"

"Oh nothing just a bit confused. Hey let's go do something yea?" She starts gathering her papers and places them neatly back into her binder

"But your homework"

"I was going to take a break anyways. I've been staying late with Eri and my friends training"

"Yea I came by the other night. Around what time do you get home?"

"Nine or ten. No later than that" she closes her backpack and stands up.

"Lets go! Let's go to this art museum that is near by. Oh and this festival as well that my friend told me about!" Yui grabbed my hand and dragged me out the house. She grabs her small back pack and keys and we head out.

"Wait I need a hoodie and shades"

"I have some in my backpack, let's go"

We reach the museum and began to look around, she talks about the paintings that catch her eye the most.

"Oh my god Izu look!" She points at a direction of a big room with art supplies.

"What is it?" I ask as she drags me towards the room.

"It's a place for people to do their own art! And you can put it up the wall here or take it home. Let's do two, one to put up here and one to take home yea?"

"Sure" I force a smile as I began to feel a random wave of numbness.

Not now please.. please

Yui got a medium sized canvas a small case of oil pastels and a pencil. I grabbed a medium sized canvas with brushes and acrylic paint. We sat. Across from each other and did our art in silence for a while

"What are you drawing?" Yui said not looking up from her drawing

"I wanted to paint a dragon, it's one of my favorite creatures to paint" I felt a little happy since art has always made me happy.
"How about you?"

"Won't say"

"That's not fair, I told you" I said

"I didn't say you had to answer dummy" she smiled and stuck her tongue out.

"Fine I won't tell you what my second art piece will be." I hugged jokingly

"Fine me either!" We look at each other for a second and started to laugh causing people to give us strange looks to our loudness

I was half way done my dragon, I made it gold and white. I began to concentrate more as I made more details. I glanced at Yui once in a while seeing she was in the zone as well.

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