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Bakugou's POV

3 years later

I got up and decided to go to the dorms gym. I was nervous and excited? I was going to graduate U.A High School in about 12 hours from now. It was 2AM now, I studied hard for this and worked hard to make Izuku's dream of becoming a hero and saving people a reality. I was also doing this for myself, I volunteered in hospitals and school. I tried to change myself, I do fall apart once a while. I stopped going to therapy beliving I can cope better than before. 

I had scars from fights, from my own self harm and fighting villans. Auntie Inko got better as well, she went back to school to become a psychologist. My mother still neglected me no matter how much I proved to her that I changed, auntie Inko was the one who became more of a mother figure for me, maybe it is because she lost Izuku and saw me as her own son. 

I started to punch the punching bag, I put on my wireless headphones and played some music to fill in the loneliness putting the music as loud as it can go. It had been an hour and instead of feeling tired I was hit with more energy. I look at the time, it was 3:16 AM. I took out my headphones and was startled with a punching sound. 

I look over to see half and half using the other punching bag. He had a white tank top and grey sweatpants. How long was he here for?  He stops and we make eye contact.

"what?" he said trying to catch his breath

"You can't sleep either?"

"no I'm sleep working out" He said sarcastically

"tsk" I started to walk towards the door to shower.

"I'm kind of scared" I stop and look at him in silence, noticing he had more to say.

"I know I am a strong hero, and will do great. I learned that I can't do this alone despite of obviously being more powerful than the whole class." He smirked

"You think you're better than me icy hot?" smoke started to come out from my palms. He started to walk towards me as he started to set his fire.

"Of course" The gym was pretty small

"You're fucking delusional"

 I set an explosion towards him as he threw ice towards me. I dodged it and started to beam some lazer attacks with the first trick I learned. The baster created a small tornado with his flames and aimed at me. I set an explosion and jumped, landed behind him before hitting him from behind. A large booming sound filled the small gym along with black smoke. 

I heard him chuckle but I couldn't see him, I started aiming my explosions for where I can here him. I felt something sharp scrape my arm. The smoke started to clear and I see him with an arrow made of ice on his had ready to throw it at me.

I feel a warm liquid run down my arm. My blood. 

"Can't get a scratch on me Bakugou" He smirked as he got closer to me, his smirk did not seem to be one of victory. More like hunger

"What the fuck is up with you. Stop looking at me like that" I walk closer to him as I felt my sweat and blood run down my hand. I had enough of my sweat to creat a big enough explosion to blast the whole gym.

Wait this isn't what heros do

I stop myself and no we were just a couple inches apart, he was about and inch taller than me I straightened myself to seem bigger than him. He caught me off guard when he grabbed my arm and flipped me over and landed on my back. I look up and he was on top of me

"What the fuck half and ha-"

I felt his lips crash into mine, my eyes opened at first shocked and confused. I didn't pull back. His eyes were closed, I closed mine as well accepting what was happening. I kiss him back, I pressed my tongue on his lips asking for entrance. He opened his mouth letting me in, I grab his hair and tug it slightly hearing a soft moan from him. I smirk to the thought I made him feel like this. 

He pulled away and we both started to pant and looked at each other. Not exactly happy or upset about it. Just a what happened  kind of moment. 

"what the fuck are you doing at this fucking hour doing this kind of fucking damage" We snap out heads looking at a very angry Aizawa. We didn't say anything in fear that he saw us kiss. We look around and saw some burned equipment and back at each other

"You are going to graduate in less than 12 hours and you really want to pull this shit now. I don't even want to deal with this shit right now. Shoto turn off that flame over there and get the fuck out of here. I'm too old and tired for this shit." Shoto turned around and started to put out the small flames around the room. I stood there in shame of what I did as well.

"Now leave before I get more mad" He closes his eyes as Shoto and I speed walk away. 

We walk together in silence towards our dorms. 

"you might want to take care of that" He broke the silence, I look at him as he looked at my arm. I completely forgot about it.

"its nothing" I rub the back of my neck actually feeling tired this time. I head towards my room as he goes to his. 

Does this mean something ? was it a fluke?  

I walk inside realizing I smelled like caramel. 

I didn't shower

I was too tired to do it, I'll shower later. I grab my phone from my pocket realized how cracked it was from the 'fight' we had. I press the home button in relief that it still works.

It was 4:21AM, I set an alarm for 12PM just two hours before the ceramony. I lay my head on my pillow immediately falling asleep.


Suicide hotline site:http://www.suicide.org/international-suicide-hotlines.html

USA suicide hotline: 1-800-273-8255

A/N: LMAO I KNOW FAT PLOT TWIST TOO! I personally don't like this ship but I thought it would be interesting

let me know how ya'll like this so far (: 

Also I realized there are other stories like this but I promise I am not trying to steal any ideas. I looked up the title but I have not read them. Anyways if you feel like I am stealing an idea please let me know!

Thank you for reading (:

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