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Izuku's POV

Did that really just happen? The kiss felt so soft, and warm.

I walk back inside Yui's house, I knock on her door and heard her muffle 'come in'. She was on her desk doing her home work.

"you can turn off your quirk now Yui" she turned off he quirk but I remained in her room.

"He kissed me" I said sitting next to her.

"How do you feel?"

"Nervous mostly. But I loved every second of it, I wish it lasted forever" a smile began to creep at the corner of my lips.

I looked over to see Yui with her hand on her chin as she looked at me lovingly.

"You know I've always wanted love. Is that why you wanted to tell everyone about your quirk so I can feel... at peace?" Her eyes half way closed.

"I'm gonna be alright" she choked out.

"Yui I-" I stop as I realized is that all I ever wanted is love. But I want to stay for Yui as well. She feels like a daughter to me, more than a brother. I feel like I'm actually dying to the thought of leaving her behind just because I'm at peace.

"Izuku, I wouldn't be in this position without you. But I'm sure I could have figured it out though, I'm pretty intelligent right?" Her voice cracked a little, she averted her eyes from me as she looked back to her homework.

I walk past through her and squat down in the middle of her desk and look into her eyes. She shivered and made a funny face.

"Izuku! I've told you to not do that!" She yelped

"Yui" I began, I gave her a sad smile as two tears streamed down her face. I stepped to the side and held out my hand to indicate that I want her to bring me out.

She looked at my hand for a while and then reached for it. He head hang low as she sat there holding my hand. I got on my knees and grabbed her shoulders.

"Yui, look at me please" I felt tears reach the brim of my eyes. She was quiet, when she lifted her face to look at me her tears streamed down her face like small rivers.

"I don't need love, I have you and that's enough for me. I'm your big brother after all right?" I said confidently

I really don't want to leave you, I want to see you grow and see the pro hero you want to be. And get married and have kids. I'll be here.

"Izu, you're not the only one who has been guiding me. I do see you the most, but I have more people who help me. I'm not saying you're replaceable as a person. But this power is not only a blessing but also a curse, it's exhausting." She began to cry a little harder. "I'm so sorry" she coughed a little to clear her throat.

"No I'm so sorry, I haven't been the greatest friend. I do make you use your power a lot to help other people.. I'm so sorry Yui"

I work her too hard.. how did I not realize this myself? She always said she was fine with it, and I believed it off the bat. I'm so dense.

Yui wiped her tears and took a deep breath. She looked at me and smiled

"You know I'll see you again" She got off her seat and wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me into a hug. I hold her head with one hand and the other on her back pulling her close.

What are you talking about?


The next day Kacchan went to Yui's house to see me again. After talking to Yui I completely forgot about what had happened between Kacchan and I.

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