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Izuku's POV

I went to Yui's house and waited for her in her room since she was finishing her homework with her cousins.

I took out my notebook to go over my notes on Yui's quirk and what I still have questions on. I began to sketch a suit for her, if she was able to maybe discover more of her quirk I want to give her ideas about her suit someone can make for her.

She walked in her room and closed the door behind her.

"I hate school sometimes" she whined as she flopped on her bed

"What subject?"


"I didn't like math much either" I said hoping to make her feel better

"Izuku I think I'm ready to tell my aunt about my quirk" her head was down as if she were ashamed of her quirk.

"That's great! But why do you look so down about it?"

"What if they don't believe me or think it's weird and don't want me?"

"We can figure out a way to prove it okay. You know, I think it's quite amazing how you can communicate with me. When I first died, Kacchan had actually channeled me. He concentrated real hard to connect to me, but with you it comes naturally. He was able to feel me for a while too. It's quite amazing. Say I don't see other dead people, do you always see them?"

"Surprisingly not really. There aren't many dead people, maybe a couple of kids or adults but not many. The day of the ceremony I was able to see about five of six people including you. Most were grandparents, but I wasn't sure if you could all see each other."

"Hey let's try something. We've never touched each other. I can't grab objects but maybe you can help me in a way" I said standing up and holding my hand out for her to touch.

"Yea let's try"

We stand in front of each other and she reached for my hand and tried to hold it. There was wind surrounding us like a tornado, she has her eyes shut as she concentrated. She let go and the wind immediately stopped. We look at each other.

"I think you seem more vivid" she noted she was going to reach again for my hand and I step back

"Wait let me try an object. Maybe you can stop it by touching me again." I go to her small table and reach for her small tea cup.

I grabbed it. We look at each other and smile

"ALRIGHT" we said at the same time

"Yui?" Her aunts voice became close

"Ahhh turn it off" I said hoping to not get caught

"I don't know how!"

"Hold my hand" she held my hand and the gush of wind came back again.

"Yui who is in here? I heard another voice" she looked around the room. Yui turned it off and we looked at each other and smiled. I nodded telling her it's okay to tell her.

"Auntie.... I have a quirk" she said smiling up at her excited to show her

"Oh my god that's great honey what is it?!"

"Well I think everyone should see, let's show my cousins too! Come on Izuku!" She said as she ran out her door telling her cousins to meet in the living room.

"You better not prank us Yui" the young girl said sitting down in one of the couches

"I promise I'm not Ai! Come on hurry up Eiko!" Yui said excited. Everyone took their seat and I stood next to Yui. Everyone was quiet, there was some tension in Yui I could feel.

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