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Izuku's POV

10 years later

"Ready for your first day?" I say to Yui as she puts on her back bag.

"Ready as I'll ever be" she smiled at me and looked ahead at her new school U.A high.

"It's going to be great"

"Why can't you come with me" Yui wined

"I'm not always going to be able to help you Yui"

"Just for today, please. Not everyone is lucky enough to have someone by them secretly" She said discretely looking ahead speaking softly

"Just for a couple classes, we practiced over the years Yui you can do this okay. Remember your Quirk is still a half secret"

"I know I know daaadd" she mocked. We walked down the huge hallways, not much has changed either.

"Riggghhtt here. Class one B" Yui said standing in front of the tall door

She opened the door and stepped inside, she came in 3 minutes before the first class started. She took her assigned seat and saw about 10 students in their seats or talking amongst themselves. She looked around a little nervous about being on her own.

"Good morning class!" A tall brown woman came in wearing black jeans with a black button down shirt and a grey blazer. She set her bag down and stood at the front.

"I will be your home room teacher for this year. My name is Sango Masaki, hero name Posie, quirk: possession, I can possess things. Now get in your gym uniform and meet outside in 10 minutes"


I stood next to Yui along with her class now in their gym uniform. I felt old, although I died at 15 my body grew with me.

"Alright I want everyone to use their full power at one hundred percent! that's why we are out here today to test, we will also be doing other exercises but for now just names and quirk demonstration"

As everyone showed their quirk it was finally Yui's turn.

"You got this?" she nodded her head in response and walked in front of the class.

"My name is Yui Enomoto, my quirk is adapt. I am able to possess someone else's quirk." It seemed she wanted to explain more but just got to it.

"Right now I am able to posses the quirk razor rings"

She made fists with her hands and put her arms to her sides. Two golden rings appeared on her hands.

"Yes! Good job Yui!" I cheered, she looked towards me and smiled.

She threw one of the rings toward the huge bolder making a clean cut diagonally. Everyone gasped with their eyes open to Yui's quirk.

After school (bc I suck at writing about school)

"Thank you so much Izuku"

"What for?"

"If you were alive I wouldn't be here" she says looking up at me.

"You're right. Then you should thank Ground Zero for that" I joked

"That's dark Izu" she giggled

"You're the one making it darker for thanking my death"

"I'm all seriousness, I don't think anyone else would have helped me"

She reaches and grabs my hand. A puff of wind appeared and so did I

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