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Bakugou's POV

It's been two days since I got the letter. It's been sitting on my desk for 3 days now. I don't know why all of a sudden I felt anxiety, like if I was 15 again holding Izuku on my arms. He had written some poems in his notebook about love, and death. I thought I had to figure out the meaning behind the poem but that wasn't a suicide letter. I had returned the notebooks and clothes that I used to comfort myself with.

I sit on my spinning chair and turned on my lamp and like a spotlight, it's on the table waiting for me to open it.

Is this okay? I don't know if I was just really mentally fucked up I imagined you were with me. Are you still there?

I took a deep breath and sighed. My heartbeat was increasing as I began to open the envelope. I unfold the neatly folded paper into thirds.

I observe his handwriting, he was pretty calm writing the first half of the letter, then he seemed to press the pen down harder as his words began to mark on the other side of the paper. I took a deep breath for what I was about to read

Dear Katsuki,
It should be about 3 years now since my death I believe since I left my mom this letter for you after you graduate. I first thought it was dumb, why should I explain myself when you know what you did. I don't know if its my emotions are messing with me, but I really wanted to be with you. If you made fun of me for being quirkless I just thought about the worse if you ever found out I was attracted to boys as well. I accepted that you would find a wonderful woman to give you kids of your own, and more than I could ever give you. You hold a special place in my heart, I hope I can see you accomplish everything you do from wherever I go after I die. Words don't hurt, they just push you off the edge. Fuck you

Izuku Medoriya

My heart beat was normal, my anxiety slowed down. I don't feel anything, no guilt, no anxiety.

What the fuck. Why do I feel so mad right now?  Probably that he ended his letter with fuck you? I thought this would be more sad. Should I try to channel him? Maybe I'm not crazy and I  actually talked to Izuku.

I concentrated on trying to channel him again.



Izuku please talk to me

"What the fuck"  I opened my eyes in shock to hear his voice again.  I froze not sure if this is real or not.

"Katsuki?" I turn around

This is real

"Izuku" We stared at each other for a while, neither of us knowing what to say.

He looks older, more mature and... strong? He looks amazing

"Hi  umm... its been a while" He said rubbing the back of his head nervously

"So I can talk to you"

no shit dumb ass  I thought to myself

"You opened the letter?" I  nodded not wanting to say something stupid.

"I don't really remember what I wrote but I know you had to read it around this time"

"Have you been watching me?"

"Not really, I wanted to get over you by only seeing you like once a month. I saw you a lot the first year but because I was more by my mom's side than yours."

" Wanted ? As in you're still trying to get over me?"

"Yes, well, no. I don't know I haven't really been here" He was firgetting, he still sucks at lying.

"Deku what have you been doing?"

"Well I check on my mom mostly, but she always seemed to be around you and I would leave a lot the first year because you were more open about your feelings. Which seemed very personal so I left. I wasn't here at all second year because I did all the things I wanted to do on earth before I leave for good. I felt a lot more free from sorrow and-"

"Wait wait wait, before you leave for good?"

"I can't speak much about the after life"

"What about the kid? how did she channel you?"

"I can't talk to you about her either"

"what the hell deku"

"Look I can leave I know you're with Shoto so I have no business lingering around anymore"

"Why did you leave after I said I liked you"

"You can't be with someone who's already dead!"

But I want you

"Kacchan I'm happy for you, you need to keep living alright?"

With the blink of an eye he was gone.

A/N: hi! I know short chapter but next one will be longer and also big time skip! Hope you like it so far! Thank you for reading

Suicide hotline site:http://www.suicide.org/international-suicide-hotlines.html

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