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Izuku's POV

1 day until meeting

Im terrified. What if my mom passes out? What if Kacchan doesn't want to see me. Maybe I should avoid Yui.

I pace back and forth in my space not even sure what to do with myself. I could really use a friend right now, but I can't even see other dead people unless it's with Yui's help.

Breath, maybe this will give me peace. But what about Yui, I can't leave her alone.

I grab a pillow and scream as loud as I could. I began to punch the pillow. Why am I so frustrated? Is it because I don't know what to say? Hey I'm half dead I've been avoiding you for years but I've been looking at you guys as well. That's creepy.

Finally I gave in and went to Yui. She had lunch around this time. I walk around the big lunch room and found her sitting with her group of friends.

"Yui!" I yelled over the crowd, she searched around the room to see who called her. I call her name once more and she saw me. I signaled her to come my way, she picked up her tray and placed it in the bin.

She casually walks past me and walk towards the back of the school where it's empty.

"What's up?" Yui said smiling, why is she so calm?

"Im freaking out" I said as I also felt my heart race to the thought of seeing my mom in a physical form.

"Yui!" Kota called putting followed by Eri and Nedu.

"It's alright I already told them" Yui held on to my hand and a gush of wind surrounded me.

"Whoa" Nedu said, Eri and Kotas faces were also amazed by Yui's quirk.

"This is Izuku, Izuku well you know everyone by now" Yui said

"Hi" I said nervously I don't know how I'm going to make it if my heart is racing just seeing these kids. I'm definitely going to the other side on accidentally.

"Hellooo Izuku to earth" Yui said snapping me out of my thoughts

"What?" I said

"You were gonna tell me something, I'm guessing it's about tomorrow since you came during my lunch" Yui said smirking

"Y-yea, I don't want to do it anymore just take me back and I'll just be gone" I said reaching for her hand

"Ah ah ah, nope. Talk"

"I'm scared, it's been so long it feels like I faked my death." I began to fidget with the rubber band on my wrist.

"I already asked my mom of how she would feel if she could see you one last time." Nebu began "she would be thrilled to see you, and say many things she wanted to tell you."

My heart beat began to slow down to the thought of my mother.

"I know Kacchan would be happy to see you too. You know, he named one of his most powerful move after you" Eri said winking at me.

"He did?"

"Yea, Izu-smash!" Eri and Kota said at the same time giggling

"You're going to be fine Izuku" Yui said with her hand on my shoulder.

I will be fine.

Day of meeting

I searched through all my clothes not sure what to use. A shirt and jeans? Too laid back. Button down and pants? Too formal. I finally decided on a dark green shirt with black jeans. I gave myself an undercut hair cut, although my bangs were pretty long I just let those be. I tried to brush it but it got more frizzy.

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