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Bakugou's POV
We all said we had a month and a half until our jobs started. I was in my room and paced back and forth thinking of who I could ask out.

I mean I like Shoto, but I don't really want to date him. I also like Uraraka but I think she has a thing going on with Iida.

I don't have many crushes since I was so focused in school. I had a couple of one night stands but those were random people I would find on a dating app. I finally decided to see how it would go with Shoto.

Should I text him or call him? Or in person?

I got up from my bed and headed towards his house. The night was warm and so was the breeze, it felt like a thin warm blanket wrapped around me.

I stand in front of the gate and put my hand on the handle.

Is this a good idea? Ah fuck it

I open the gate and walk towards the front door. I felt myself feel tense and my hands began to sweat. My finger hovers over the door bell for a few moments. Without even realizing it I pushed the button.

Ah fuck I actually didn't think I would do it. I don't have anything to give him to ask him o-

A female with white and some red hair and glasses opened the door.

"H-hi, I'm Bakugou Katsuki. I'm a friend of Shoto. Is he home?" I said nervously

"Oh hello Katsuki, I remember you, you came to sleep over the night of the party with Shoto! I'm glad you're safe. Come in I'll tell him you're here" she said opening the door and stepping aside to let me in

"I appreciate the invitation but I just have to talk to him for about 5 minutes and then I have to go" I said bowing down apologizing

"Alright then I'll call him here" she said closing the door. I froze and couldn't move.

Why am I so nervous!

The door opens to Shoto with a black turtle neck and some jeans, he was also wearing glasses?

"Did you need something Katsuki"

"Um yes, I wanted to ask you if... you remember what happened the night of the party. You never answered my message."

"I've been busy with some work stuff" Shoto said directly

"Oh, you're working already?"

"Yea I started earlier than most people" he said rubbing the back of his neck

"That's cool I guess. I don't start in a month and a half from now" I said looking down.

"I remember a little bit of that night. You told me about Izuku, I don't really remember kissing or bringing you to my house" Shoto said in a shameful tone.

"About Izuku?"

"Yea, how you told him to kill himself and you felt guilty. Honesty it is messed up, but I've seen you change over the last 3 years. You're still you but less aggressive to the people you care about, you don't call Kirishima shitty hair as much as before or insult other people as much. You call me icy hot but I don't mind. Oh my god I'm sorry I began to ramble" Shoto said pressing his fingers holding the bridge of his nose.

"No no it's okay. I just didn't know I told you that. I never opened up to anyone about that, in therapy I did but I only went for a year my first year and I thought I was fine" I said fidgeting with my fingers.

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