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Bakugou's POV


I slightly opened my eyes not really wanting to wake up. It was 7 in the morning and I was finally going to go back to school. I had to go back a couple days ago but I couldn't get out of bed. Maybe  I shouldn't go, my bed is warm. 

I was encouraged to get up with a delightful smell of food. I got up and stared down at the floor not wanting to face anyone at school and get questioned of how I am. 

I go to my bathroom and splashed some water on my face. I brush my teeth and get into my uniform before heading down towards the smell of food. 

"Kacchan! you're in uniform, a-are you going back to school? well of course you are, you're wearing your uniform. Are you ready to go back? Are you nervous?" Inko began to mutter and ramble just like Izuku.

Like mother and son

"Auntie Inko" I stop her from continuing her rambling, she stopped and looked at me with a small smile.

"I'll be find, yes I'm ready, yes I'm nervous. I will be fine" I hold her hand to confirm with her that I am okay

"If you need more time its understandable. I'm here for you Izuku" She gasped and put her hand over her mouth. My eyes widen, my mouth opened but nothing came out.

"I-I'm so sorry Kacchan I-I didn't mean to call you Izuku I-"

"It's okay, I understand. You had a lot more to tell him before....everything" I pulled her into a hug and held her tightly as her hair reminded me of Izuku. She smells like lavander and honey. I pulled away from the hug and looked at her with a small smile.

"Oh God I'm sorry Kacchan I put my tears on your uniform" She grabbed a small towel and tried to dry off some of the tears he had put on me. 

"It's alright, I don't really care about it anyways" 

"here have some breakfast" She set my plate on the table as I took a seat infront of it. She took out some orange juice and poured me a glass.

"Thank you for the meal" I said as I bowed to her.

"where is my mom?" I said as I took a bite

"she was called in at work, your dad as well." I nod and take my plate and cup to the sink. I grabbed my bag and put on my shoes before heading out for school

"Have a great day Kacchan" Auntie Inko said from the kitchen

"Bye" I call out before heading out. 


I stood in front of the school gate feeling terrified about what my day would be like. I feel a hand on my shoulder, I jump to the feeling.

"Hey Bakugou!" I turn around to see Kirishima greeting me with a sincere smile, I don't return the smile. 

"Hey shitty hair" I turn back around to look at the huge school and head to my class. 

I walked in the classroom and all heads turned towards me. Some faces looked sympathetic, others looked worried if they said the wrong thing I would explode. They aren't wrong. 

"What are you all looking at extras" I growl trying not to scream so early in the morning. 

Kaminari walked up to me and he just stared at me.

"What do you want dumb ass?" 

He reaches over me and hugs me. I was in shock and didn't move. I try to tug away. Before I got the chance to activate my quirk Aizawa comes in.

"Everyone take a seat please" The tired man stood in the middle of the class. No sound was made besides the air conditioner.

"Thank you. Welcome back Bakugou, I hope you all know we are here for you along with your classmates. Yes they are terrified of you but they still care. Same goes for anyone, losing a classmate is not something to get over within a week, month or year. I understand that more than anyone in this school thats for sure" He looks down at his feet. 

"Lets start today's lesson" He began the class

I need to do better for Izuku. No one else will feel this pain like I did. I need to save as many people possible.


Suicide hotline site:http://www.suicide.org/international-suicide-hotlines.html

USA suicide hotline: 1-800-273-8255

A/N: Fat ass time skip next 

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