2| Fire

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"You can't master your future if you're a slave to the past"

"You can't master your future if you're a slave to the past"

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Mariana's POV

I strolled into the Garrison to find the same sight I would have found 5 years ago, men drinking, stains on the floor and old Harry Wilson behind the bar.

I sat and waited patiently to be served
"My god, is that Mariana Cortéz in my pub?" Harry asked as he approached me, I smiled at him
"I'm surprised you're not dead yet" I teased, he rolled his eyes and leant against the bar

"I could say the same for you, thought you were some big London gangster now?" He inquired, chuckling to himself.

I waved his words off with my hand
"Yeah yeah... whatever" I said as I looked around the room, the tables were still the same, the private booth still there, even the old piano was still standing
It looked like it hadn't been played in years though, dust gathering along the surfaces.

"So why you back then? Thought you were too good for us now you were making it big" he asked, I laughed and got a few coins out
"Yeah well you don't get as good a whiskey up there, plus your charming service" I smiled sweetly to him, placing the money on the bar.

"Alright alright but I've got to change a barrel, Grace, serve Mar will ya" he called out to the blonde woman at the other end of the bar
"Sure" she answered, gracefully making her way towards me
Harry mumbled something in her ear, earning a nod and then disappeared to the back room.

She made quick work of fixing me a drink, but I took a moment to study her as she worked
She couldn't pour a drink properly to save her life and she was way too pretty, clean blonde hair, soft skin, preppy clothes, everything about her screamed 'rich girl'
She placed my drink in front of me and smiled.

"So, what's a pretty little thing like you doing working here?" I asked, gesturing around the room
"What do you mean?" She asked
Ah... she's Irish

"I mean... only older women and whores work behind a bar, and you don't look very old to me" I took a swig of my drink, pushing the coins across the bar a little further
"It's on the house, and I'm not a whore" she said

No. Something about her is off, she's too... innocent.
"Right" I said, eyeing her as she wiped the bar
"So, visiting family?" Grace asked me, her eyes flickering to me for a moment
"What makes you say that?" I inquired

"I heard Harry a moment ago... he said you'd come back?"
She seemed too interested in my life for a simple barmaid, I was going to have to look into her

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