49| Sunflower

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"And I fell for you like raindrops"

"And I fell for you like raindrops"

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Mariana's POV

After 3 hours in the hospital and a lot of talking between the doctor, me and Ada, I was finally home, I was exhausted
And all I wanted to do was get in bed, in Alfie's arms... but I'm sure that wasn't happening
I knew he was going to be beyond pissed with me.

I opened the door to silence, not even a bark from the dogs, I trailed into the living room, where Alfie sat by the fire, whiskey in one hand as the other lay lazily on the arm of the chair
"Where were you?" He asked, I sighed, chucking my coat on the sofa before sitting opposite him.

I felt horrible for missing dinner but I couldn't leave, Ada was hysterical and Tommy's practically on deaths door.

"Hospital" I said tiredly, catching his attention away from the fire
"Hospital?" He questioned, sitting forward and leaving his whiskey by the fire as he took me in his arms
"Alf, I'm fine... I'm fine it wasn't me" I said as he looked me over for injuries.

"Tommy got battered, concussion... broken ribs... internal bleeding" I reeled off exhausted as he pulled me onto his lap
"Fucking 'ell" he muttered
"Yeah" I sighed, leaning my head against his
"I'm sorry I wasn't there" I whispered, foreheads touching as I stroked his cheek.

"It's alright, why were you with Tommy anyway?" He asked
"Russian shit..." I mumbled, I just wanted to get into bed
Alfie sighed, his hold on me tightening
"What happened?" He asked.

"I don't know... but I know that priest has got something to do with it" I explained
"Mm... how?" He asked
"He threatened me" I sighed
"You what?" He asked angrily, I gave him a look, but he only scowled and pulled me closer.

"This is why you shouldn't be around him" he muttered
"Who?" I asked
"Who? Who else do you think? Fucking Tommy, he's dragging you into all this shit and I'll be fucked if you end up in hospital with a broken head" he said angrily, standing us up.

"What are you doing?" I asked
"Going to see Tommy" he said annoyed, picking up his coat
I sighed, chasing after him and shutting the door as he opened it
"Well you won't get very far when he's not even conscious" I said, taking his coat from him.

"Well then what do we do? Huh? Wait till he wakes up or wait till they come and knock seven bells out of you!" He asked as I hung his coat up
"We do nothing. Adas looking over Tommy and if that priest lays so much as a finger on me I'll cut him... deep" I shouted the last part, trudging up the stairs.

"Look what it's doing to you" he spoke again as he appeared in the bedroom doorway
"What?" I asked, pulling my shoes off
"Going back and forth every other day, getting fucking threats, you barely being here anymor-"
"So it's not about my safety it's about you feeling alone" I said matter of factly.

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