15| Old flames

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Old flames

"A relit cigarette never tastes the same and that's all I'll preach in rekindling old flames"

"A relit cigarette never tastes the same and that's all I'll preach in rekindling old flames"

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~ Trigger warning ~
Mariana's POV

"Mar?" John asked again, making my eyes snap back to him
"Solomons?" He said
"Yeah uh, give me a minute" I said, staring back at the wood of Tommy's desk.

John sighed
"I'm leaving the phone where it is, I'm not talking to him again" he commented, strolling off back through to the house.

I sighed, looking up and trying to breath slowly. I needed to get it together, speak to Alfie. I'd been waiting for him to ring me, I wasn't going to let Tommy ruin this. I could deal with him later.

I got up, rushing back into the house and picking the phone up, John having left it hanging off the edge of the table. I shut the door to the living room, not wanting them to listen in.

"Hello?" I said, trying to sound as calm as possible
"Alright dove? Been ringing ya all day, you weren't at any of your offices so I assumed you'd fucked off down to the land of the gypsies" he laughed.
I smiled, I'd missed listening to the random shit he came out with.

"Yeah Uh- sorry" I mumbled, biting my thumb nail.
"You alright? You sound a bit off" he grumbled down the line, making me snap back into reality once more.

"I'm fine... I'm fine sorry, just a lot of shit happening down here" I dismissed
"Anything I should be concerned with?" He asked
"No... no it's uh, personal business" I explained.

"Ah" he replied, seemingly trying to think of what to say next
"So... why'd you call?" I asked, eyes flickering to the living room door, making sure it was still shut.

He laughed at me
"Dinner?... you said you wanted to go out to dinner with me" he explained
"Oh... yeah, yeah I remember" I said, my head in a spin.

"Is this not a good time?" He asked
"Uh... no, not really, can I call you later, or I'll come see you. I just... have something to take care of here" I pleaded, to which he agreed.

"Of course... Night dove" he said
"Good night Alfie" I replied softly, putting the phone down.

I heard John start laughing in the living room, Arthur shouting about something or other. I took my coat and left, rushing down the street, the rain pouring down and the path hurting my bare feet.
I probably looked like a mad woman.

When I finally walked into Tommy's other office, I burst through the doors, the water dripping onto the floors as I made my way up the small steps to his door.

I shoved the door open, shocked to see Tommy holding up a gun at me. A look of relief washed over his face
"What you doing Mar?" He asked, his eyes raking over my figure, taking in my rain matted hair, no shoes and still in my nightgown.

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