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"Grief is the price we pay for love"
                                            -Queen Elizabeth 2nd

"Grief is the price we pay for love"                                             -Queen Elizabeth 2nd

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Thomas' POV

"We can reach you anywhere Mr Shelby" I heard down the line, that Irish bastards voice smug and taunting
"Why don't you check under your little boys pillow... or down on Florence street" he commented, the line going dead afterwards.

Florence street?
Shit. Mar.
I rushed home only to be waylaid by Grace.
"Hey... what's the rush?" She chuckled as I threw my coat off, moving for the stairs
I ignored her. Charlie was my priority right now.

"Okay... well guess what? I finally got the invitations out" she said giddily, but right now none of that mattered, I darted up the stairs without another word and frantically checked Charlie's bed
Finding a small note under his pillow. Fucking priest.

"Tommy? What's going on?" Grace asked unsurely from the doorway
"Not now" I told her, moving past to get to the phone
"Tommy wha-"
"Not now Grace" I said dismissively.

I picked the phone up and rang Mar's house, Grace watching me from across the room curiously
"Mar" I said simply, causing Grace's face to fall into an unimpressed expression.

I heard her laugh down the phone
"What do you want?" She asked bitterly
"Have you received anything? Anything threatening?" I asked cautiously
"Hmm... well the neighbours sent me some muffins and I'm pretty sure they were off-"
"Mar!" I said again.

I didn't have time for this shit
"Oh I'm sorry... I thought getting death threats justified being able to make a joke" she said
"What did they do?" I asked
"And who are they Thomas?" She asked, her voice airy like she was talking to a child.

"Fuck sake Mar. What did they do?" I asked irritated, she sighed
"They sent me a wreath. RIP Mariana Shelby" she explained
"Anyone watching the house? Anyone been following you?" I asked.

"What's going on Tommy?" She asked
I glanced at Grace, noticing the scowl on her face
"Nothing. Nothing just throw it away and... keep safe" I said I'm finality, putting the phone down on her.

"Care to tell me what that was all about?" Grace asked, arms crossed
"Just... Get to bed eh? I'll be up soon" I said, heading to my office
"We made a vow, as husband and wife. If something's going on I have a right to know Tommy" she pressed, following after me.

I didn't need this right now. I had enough shit going on without her pestering me for answers.

Alfie's POV

"Since when did you ever leave on time?" Ollie laughed from his desk as I locked up my office
"Fuck off, I leave on a reasonable time" I grumbled airily
"You leave when the sun comes back up" he laughed again.

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