6| Goodbyes

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"There is a difference between giving up and knowing when you have had enough"

"There is a difference between giving up and knowing when you have had enough"

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~ Trigger warning ~
Mariana's POV

Silence... it blanketed everyone, silence as we watched out the window
We could see Kimber and his men, an intense stand off occurring but no words heard through the bricks of this stupid fucking house.

Not knowing what was being said was killing me.
I'd been a part of this just as much as everyone else
And eventually I thought fuck it, fuck them, I wasn't being left out.

I ran upstairs, grabbing my shotgun from under my bed and yanked the front door open before Polly could stop me
Whatever conversation occurring had ceased at the sound of the door.

I strolled out casually into the crowd of men, standing beside Freddie and John and raising my gun up
Kimber seemed shocked to see me.

"Well well well... if it isn't Miss Cortéz, what you still doing here lovey?" He snorted, looking to his men for support
I remained hard faced, my gun steady in my hands.

"You've had this coming for years Billy, you really think I'd miss watching your head explode?" I asked with a smile, my gun pointed straight at him.

He was cut off from a reply at the sound of another door opening, followed by the squeaking of wheels
And low and behold out came Ada, pushing a pram and dressed in black.

"What the fuck are you doing Ada?" I shouted to her, slightly lowering my gun as she parked her pram in the middle of the street
"I believe you call this 'no mans land'" she stated, confidence oozing from her considering she'd just pushed her baby into a war zone.

"No I call it fucking mental" I shouted back.

"Ada!" Tommy warned
"Shut up and listen!" She shouted back, what the fuck was she doing?
"Have you lost your mind?" Freddie questioned, clearly worried for his wife and baby
"I said shut up!" She bit back, a pissed off expression on her face, I lowered my gun completely.

"Now, most of you were in France. So you all know what happens next.
I've got brothers and a husband here,
but you've all got somebody waiting for you.
Now, I'm wearing black in preparation.
I want you to look at me.
I want you all to look at me!" She said exasperated

I couldn't help but sympathise with her, all that was going to come from this was death, loss... pain.
It destroyed me when David died in the war, it destroyed everybody who lost loved ones.

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