42| Ballrooms and Bullets

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Ballrooms and Bullets

"When we are asleep in this world, we are awake in another"              -Salvador Dali

"When we are asleep in this world, we are awake in another"              -Salvador Dali

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Mariana's POV

"Irene. Marjorie" I smiled, clenching my jaw at the sight of the lookalike blondes in front of me
"What brings you here?" I asked
"Oh you know my Raymond is very... influential to say the least" Irene smiled, emphasising 'my' to stake her claim.

I smiled at her, nodding as I looked around for an escape
"Oh I just love your dress Mariana... looks exactly like one I wore last year at an event" Marjorie commented, sipping her champagne as she eyed me up and down.

"Thank you, I do like vintage clothing don't you?" I asked, playing along to her merry tune
"Oh gosh no, I couldn't ever wear something so... dated. Daddy likes to buy me the latest fashion" she gushed
"Mhmm" I hummed disinterested.

"Mar" Lawrence greeted, coming up to stand beside his mother
I smiled at him, a genuine smile, he was the only one I could actually stand
"I didn't know you were coming tonight" he commented
"Yeah, got to support the charities haven't you?" I smiled.

"Yes. Any kind of charity" Marjorie smiled at me
I tightened my grip on my glass
I fucking hate these people
I was about to excuse myself to grab Alfie when I heard my name from behind me.

I turned around to see Tatiana come up to us
I'm surprised she'd even recognised me since we'd only met once
And it was dark
I offered her a guarded smile and turned back to Marjorie, Lawrence and Irene
"I hope you don't mind if I steal Miss Cortéz a moment?" She inquired.

Their eyes seemed to widen at Tatiana's appearance, clearly knowing she was the duchess in attendance tonight.
"Not at all Duchess" Irene smiled sweetly, looking at me with warmth and compassion
Almost made me sick.

I gave Lawrence a look that said 'we'll catch up later' before throwing Marjorie a glance
She seemed irritated I was going to converse with Tatiana
Probably annoyed she wasn't friendly with the duchess.

Hell I wasn't friendly with her, but for the sake of annoying Marjorie I acted as polite as can be towards Tatiana, following after her towards the bar, the other end of where Alfie and Ray resided.

"You looked like you needed saving" She smiled, I smiled back but I kept my guard up
I didn't trust so easily and this woman gave me a bad feeling
She was too... laid back
Yet calculating at the same time.

"Family is always difficult" I commented, ordering a whiskey
"You don't have to convince me Miss Cortéz" she chuckled, her accent thick and prominent
"Please... Mariana" I said simply
She nodded
"Mariana... from the wedding" she commented, I nodded back.

I accepted my whiskey from the bartender and took a swig, looking around the room and ignoring the smirk on Tatiana's face
"Mr Shelby, he's very handsome" she mumbled, watching as he and Grace conversed with an older couple.

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