28| Bullets

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"Fire lives within his kiss, he had a way of melting every part of me"
-Christy Ann Martine

"Fire lives within his kiss, he had a way of melting every part of me"                                               -Christy Ann Martine

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Mariana's POV

Sabini sat across from us, a smug look on his stupid fucking face
"From what I saw the coppers are a bit busy right now" Tommy commented casually

"Did you win any money today?" I asked tauntingly
"Where are the coppers?" He asked his right hand man
"Said to that sergeant one minute, he's said two... he's fucking dead" he mumbled.

"We already told you they're busy" I smiled
"Mm... same as my boys" Tommy added
"What the fuck does that mean?" He asked irritated.
"What does that mean... well my boys are on the track" Tommy explained.

"Having a little bonfire" I grinned, trying my hardest not to strain at the ache in my abdomen.
"Gaming licenses" I added, smiling when his face fell in a scowl.

"Fuck" he cursed
"You place too much reliance on the police for your security, Mr Sabini.
That was your mistake" Tommy explained
He looked at Tommy, then at me.

He stood up, reaching for his pocket
"You're now gonna think about who you are, think about where you are.
You pull a gun again and you are the king's assassin" Tommy stated.

He paused, letting his arm fall back to his side.
Tommy was right, no matter how much influence Sabini thought he had, he couldn't do shit right now.

"Now sit down and shut the fuck up yeah?" I asked sweetly, he complied hesitantly
There was a silence for a moment, him staring us down and Tommy staring back as though he didn't give a fuck.

No matter how calm Tommy's acting right now I know he's stressed.
With Campbell
May. Lizzie. Grace. Me
This man really would have less problems if he kept his dick at bay.

"Now your next mistake, Mr Sabini, was breaking your promise to Alfie Solomon's" Tommy started, looking slightly uncomfortable at the mention of Alfie, but making me think about him for the first time in a while.
He'd always been in the back of my head. Ever since I met him.
But today had been hectic, and my mind was going blurry with every passing second.

God how I wish I was still in bed with him right now.
"You promised Alfie his bookies could come to Epsom... he was very hurt when you said no" I commented, feigning a pout
"You also promised to keep Miss Cortéz here out of the deal.
He was again very hurt... when you took it upon yourself to break that deal" Tommy explained.

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