4| Races

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"Being both soft and strong is a combination very few have mastered"

"Being both soft and strong is a combination very few have mastered"

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Mariana's POV

As predicted Tommy's plans went to shit, he's got Kimber on side but he's still dealing with the fucking Lees
And his barmaid got assaulted by Kimber, I know I'd said I'd give her a chance but after having the pleasure of meeting Campbell and finding that he was also Irish, I knew it couldn't just be a coincidence.

I didn't trust her, or Campbell, the ferocity in his voice when speaking about Tommy, he clearly had a grudge and whatever deal he had was guaranteed to fuck Tommy over.

I'd been in the hospital for 4 days now and Tommy had yet to come and visit me, not that I was expecting him too, but we needed to discuss what happens next, I didn't come all the way back to this shit hole to be kept out of the loop.
And John and Arthur were telling me fuck all.

Arthur had only visited me once and every time John came in all he did was moan about his fucking kids.

Pol had come to see me, I'd managed to get her to bring me some cigarettes and vodka.
I wasn't on the medication they were giving me, I've had enough medication to last me a lifetime and it never helps, yes sometimes I go a bit off the rails but the medicine only makes it worse.

As I sat smoking and reading the paper, the door swung open and in walked Tommy
He grimaced slightly when his eyes landed on me, I didn't think I looked that bad.

I'd been found the morning after my little meeting with Campbell by some woman taking her children to school, she alerted others and I was taken to hospital.

Granted when I was admitted I had looked a bit worse for wear
I had cuts and bruises all over my face, slight internal bleeding and a broken rib, my arms and legs felt like jelly and I could barely breathe
But now I was fine... for the most part

He took a seat beside my bed and I offered him a cigarette, he took one and lit it up, leaning back and taking my appearance in.

"You look... bad" he stated, I rolled my eyes and continued to read the paper
"Thank you Tommy, you always know how to make a girl feel special" I smiled fakely at him
"I used to be able to make you feel special Mar" he stated slightly amused, I got beat up because of him and he's sat there trying to rile me

"As well as half the other women in Birmingham Tom" I commented

"How is your little barmaid?" I asked after a moment
"What's it to you?" He asked calmly, I already know he's been getting shit for Grace off Polly because she told me, she agreed with me, there was something off about her.

"I don't trust her" I stated simply, not looking up from my paper
"Does anybody really trust anybody nowadays?" Tommy asked rhetorically
"Meaning?" I asked, looking towards him
"Meaning, I don't know who I can trust yet" he stated.

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