10| Antagoniser

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"Most painful thing ever is having feelings for someone you can't be with"          - A.W

Alfie's POV

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Alfie's POV

This day had already started off shit.
I'd woken up to my empty house, making my way down stairs to make breakfast only to find out I barely had any food in the fucking cupboards.

I didn't employ maids... didn't trust 'em
They were either snitching to someone else, stealing your silver or trying to get into ya bed. Too much fucking hassle.

I had to make do and have toast... giving the scraps to Cyril.
I still ain't been to get my fucking laundry so I had to wear whatever was available, getting to the factory only to find Ollie was running late.
All my men were queued up outside the factory and I had to let them all in.

Earning Ollie a earful from me, and the workers a warning for complaining about having to work later.

I'd been in my office all day, I normally do a few rounds of the warehouse every few hours but my hip was playing up and I could hardly move without groaning.
Bastard fucking war

And to top the whole day off, Ollie told me that gypsy prick Thomas Shelby was coming down to see me.
I heard he got battered a few days ago by Sabini
Serves him right for trying to be bigger than he is.

I also heard Mariana Cortéz got battered too. She was running the other side of London, I'd heard stories about her but most of my information came from Sabini bad mouthing her at our little meetings.
Calling her a gypsy whore and such.

It was around 2 in the afternoon when someone burst into my office
"They're here sir, being patted down at the door" he explained breathlessly
I nodded slowly
"Mm and at what point did I say you could just come in 'ere without knocking eh?" I asked calmly.

"I- uh... you didn't" he stuttered, now realising his fault
"Mm, I didn't that's right, so fuck off before I break ya fuckin legs" I threatened, he was immediately out the door, taking his chance to avoid a beating
Any other day I would have pinned him against the wall and beaten some sense into him but my leg was hurting and I was too busy with this Shelby business.

"Ollie, go greet them yeah?" I ordered him, he shuffled out the office and headed off for the front of the factory
I took my time in getting up, my whole body protesting and telling me to sit back down.

I straightened my apron down and threw me office door open, taking short strides through the factory, my hips aching with every step
As I got near the end I noticed a man and a woman stood with Ollie

"Put him down Ollie... put him down he's only little" I said, gesturing for Ollie to back off as I was here now
So this was Thomas Shelby, he's cleaner than I expected from some gypsy.

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