35| To the happy couple

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To the happy couple

"A serpent changes his skin, not his fangs"

"A serpent changes his skin, not his fangs"

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Mariana's POV

It's been many weeks since the invitation arrived, since me and Alfie first slept together
And many weeks of me trying to figure out how to tell Alfie that I love him.
Would he even say it back?

I didn't want to ruin things, it's been good between us, besides the wedding hanging over us and the annoyance that Alfie wasn't invited
Alfie's still living here, neither of us has made any move to change that, I love having him here.

We get up, we have breakfast together, we go to work, spend the evening together, it's an odd feeling having someone around you constantly, caring for someone and missing them all the time.

And Alfie's got a lot better in terms of letting me out, not that I would have asked his permission anyway, but he's more lenient instead of trying to wrap me in cotton wool all the fucking time.

We had a slight argument over the wedding, Alfie thinking that I shouldn't go, that I should be done with the Shelby's personally
Coupled with the fact he was worried he wasn't going to be there to 'protect' me if anything happens.

I argued back that I had to go in order to maintain face.
Which was true, if I didn't turn up then the assumption would be that I had a problem with it, and I didn't.

And that's not the cliché denial phase, I was genuinely happy that Tommy has found someone for himself.

Apparently Grace's husband had topped himself, and that's how they were managing to get married so quickly.
I had to go, not just for my reputation but also because they were my family
Fights and all.

That argument ended with a broken vase from Alfie's temper, the dogs barking from all the shouting and then Alf fucking me against the kitchen counter.

He still wasn't happy that I was going, but I was going nonetheless.
And he'd agreed to come down to Birmingham with me, to stay with me while I had to be there.

Hence why we were now in Alf's car, driving into Birmingham, me with a bored expression and him with a pissed one
He fucking hated this place.

We decided to get a hotel, I wasn't exactly going to stay with Pol
I hadn't seen them in a few weeks, I doubt she would willingly live with Alfie and I wasn't sure how many of the Shelby's were already at Tommy's house.

The wedding was way out near Tommy's house, in the middle of fucking no where.
He could act like a posh twat all he wants but I know where the money comes from.
Where he comes from.

We settled into the hotel and Alfie's mood still hadn't picked up
"Oh come on, it's only for a few days" I said from my seat at the vanity.
"Yeah in this fucking hell hole" he grumbled
I rolled my eyes
"You didn't have to come" I reminded him airily as I brushed my hair out.

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