36| Tommy's women

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Tommy's women

"Today I decided to forgive you, not because you apologised or because you acknowledged the pain you caused me, but because my soul deserves peace" -Najwa Zebian

"Today I decided to forgive you, not because you apologised or because you acknowledged the pain you caused me, but because my soul deserves peace"             -Najwa Zebian

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Mariana's POV

Grace stood admiring herself in the mirror behind me, whilst I watched the crowd of people, drunk, dancing and high of their asses.

"I trust there'll be no trouble today" I shifted my eyes over to her, she was fixing her hair up and giving me a snide side glance
"Course not, the only qualms I had was Alfie not being invited but... it's your day isn't it?" I smiled nicely.

Polly had told me to be on my best behaviour tonight, to not piss Grace off, especially when Tommy was conducting business right now.

"I assume you're here for the Russians?" Grace asked, her voice airy, so she knew
"No. I'm here to congratulate you both, the Russians are an unfortunate mishap" I said simply and honestly
I had no problem with Grace really, it was her actions that put me off her.

She swanned around like she was better than us, when she was exactly like us, a cut throat murderer
She clearly knew what was going on though, which didn't surprise me at all.

Tommy confided in her about everything apparently
But I was right with what I said all that time ago in the bar. It's when Tommy tells you nothing that he cares.

I had no doubt that he cared for Grace, but if he had started confiding in her. Then clearly they weren't completely perfect.

"I also trust you're going to keep your distance" she said, eyes on herself like the vain little girl she was, I scoffed
"Distance? From what... the bar?" I asked with a slight chuckle
"My husband" she said, dragging 'husband' out for emphasise.

"Well shouldn't you tell that to your husband instead of me?" I asked, mimicking her voice
"I have... whilst we were upstairs... having sex" she said calmly, eyeing me for a reaction.

Ah I hated pettiness, just move on already
Whatever... she wants to annoy me, game on sweetie.

"Well good for you... first time was it? Bit odd you're talking about me during sex but I'll take it as flattery... He's quite big I know but once you get used to i-"
She grabbed my arm, pulling me closer and cutting me off.

"I know what you are" she said sternly
"And what am I?" I asked with a bored expression
"The past... I know everything that happened between you two, he doesn't keep things from me" she said.

I pulled my arm out of her grasp and nodded slowly
"Yeah... I'm sure pillow talk is sweet" I smiled
"I know you loved him once. I know he loved you. That he proposed. That he chose me that day at the races " she drawled out, making me laugh.
"What?" I chuckled.

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