13| Teasing

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"Sometimes blood isn't thicker than water and family will cross you quicker than strangers"

"Sometimes blood isn't thicker than water and family will cross you quicker than strangers"

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Alfie's POV

It's been 5 days since Tommy and Mariana's workers started working here, and they haven't actually been that bad.
The men have been working non stop, especially since they're basically fucking living here, and the women are true to Mariana's rules, they don't come out unless it's to go home at the end of the day.

Some of the boys have been rowdy every now and then so I've had to beat a few of the fuckers.
But Mariana's women seem to be tamed, they don't disrespect anyone, and they seem to have all their orders done by the deadline.

I suppose that's what you get from settled married women though
Most of Tommy's men were still young, going out, getting pissed and shagging anything in the street.
But the women knew what they wanted out of this work, they needed money and nothing else, it was a job, not a fucking holiday.

I ain't seen Tommy since the recruitment day, he's not been back up to Birmingham since, he just sends his fuckwit brother Arthur to do his bidding.
I thought I was lucky not seeing that bastard but his brothers even worse.

And definitely has a screw loose.

I ain't seen Mariana much since that day either, she pops in every day to check on everything and make sure Tommy's lot are behaving...
And to come and annoy me in my office.

But for the past 2 days she ain't been in, at all, and I found myself kind of missing her annoying attitude, all she does is sit on my sofa and drink my whiskey but it was quite nice havin' someone there.

It weren't bad having her there to look at either, she was a fuckin temptress.
Half the time I just wanted to bend her over that couch and fuck her relentlessly.

I shook the thoughts of her from my head when Ollie knocked on my door
I motioned for him to come in and he did so, clipboard in hand and looking quite frantic.

"Alf... there's two lads fighting out on the floor" he stuttered
"Fuck sake" I muttered, heaving myself out of my chair
It's been quiet today, no fuck ups and no fucking brawling... until now.

It was home time soon, why did they have to start a scrap?

I groaned as I stood, my hip was playing up a lot recently, so I'd avoided getting up as much as possible.

I walked out to find one lad on the floor, blood sure to stain the fucking concrete, and another man sat cradling his nose, with Mariana stood over him... chest heaving and split knuckles.
What the fuck was going on?

I looked to Ollie for an explanation, he made me get up and when I finally get here, she's in 'ere fucking my men up.

He searched for the words but came up with nothing, so I looked to Mariana instead. She was still glaring at the man with a bloody nose.

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