16| Amends

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"Hearts heal, but never forget how it feels to be broken"      - Christy Ann Martine

"Hearts heal, but never forget how it feels to be broken"                  - Christy Ann Martine

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Alfie's POV

Do it, just fucking do it.
Ring her.

She initiated dinner. So I should at least be the one to call her. Right?
"Fuck sake" I muttered, leaning back in my chair.
Mariana hadn't been in at all today, I planned to just see her and figure out when we'd go out.

But she hadn't been in, was she doing that purposely so I'd ring her? Or was she just busy?
Women were so fucking complicated
I was pulled back into reality when Ollie knocked on the door.

"Last lot are gone" He said, referring to the workers. It was around half 11 now, they really should have gone home hours ago, but we were seriously behind on orders.
Especially now we were shipping internationally thanks to Mariana.

"Alright... get home" I told him, looking back towards the papers on me desk
"Okay" he said, but he lingered in the doorway, hesitant to leave, I sighed

"You expecting me to walk you out?" I asked, taking my glasses off
"N-no... I just um- well, did you ring her?" He asked
"No" I mumbled, looking at the phone.
I'd probably stared at that phone more today than I ever have before.

"Oh" he said simply
"You think I should?" I asked, trying to mask how nervous it made me at the thought of speaking to her.
"It's up to you but she seems... nice" he said genuinely.

I scoffed at his words
"Wouldn't be the first word that comes to mind" I laughed
"... different then" he offered, making me nod slightly.

"Night then" he said, after I didn't say anything. And he left, closing the door behind him.

Fuck it
I picked the phone up, dialling the number I had for her office... no one picked up.
So I rang her other office, no one picked up.

I looked through my drawer, trying to find the file I had on her.
Finding the number for her bar, I rang there, a woman picked up
"White wings" she said, a chirp in her voice that made me grimace slightly.

"Is uh- is Mariana there?" I asked, my voice low
"Who's asking?" She retorted
"Solomons" I said blankly
"Oh... yes uh- she left a note somewhere" she said, I heard rummaging down the end of the phone.

"She said... gone away, be back soon" she told me
That's it?...
"Did she say where she was going?" I asked, getting a bit aggravated now.

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