27| Choices

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"There are all types of love in this world but never the same love twice" -F. Scott Fitzgerald

 Scott Fitzgerald

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Alfie's POV

I woke up to an empty space beside me.
The bed felt cold, she'd gotten out ages ago.
I turned over, looking at my pocket watch
20 past fucking 11?

I got out of bed quickly, shrugging a shirt on and trudging downstairs
"Why didn't you wake me u-" I stopped my speech as I round the corner into the empty kitchen.

"Dove?" I shouted, there was no answer
I walked further into the kitchen, noticing a note on the table


I appreciate everything you've done for me. The time I spent with you has been good. Well more than good it's been fucking amazing.
But I can't just sit around and wait for everyone else to finish my business for me.

I've gone to Epsom. A decision I know your probably cussing me for in your head right now. But I have to.
Sabini is done for, and I have to be the one to do it.
I'm sorry. I'll stop by when it's done.

But if something goes wrong. Then I need you to know it was you. No one else. You.


"Fuck" I cursed
I rushed over to the phone, ignoring Cyril jumping up at the sight of me
I dialled Ollie's number and waited.

"Hello?" He asked
"Alfie?... are you alright? You said you were only having one day off you..." Ollie cut me off
"Ollie shut the fuck up yeah? And listen to me. Round up a few of the boys, meet me at Epsom" I explained.

"Epsom? What's going on. You never go to Epsom" he asked
"I'll explain later, just fucking get there" I ordered, putting the phone down abruptly.

I rushed back upstairs, getting dressed and picking my gun and coat up on the way out.
I got in my car and headed for the Derby.

Fuck sake Mar
What the hell have you done?

Mariana's POV

"Mar?" Tommy asked, grabbing my face in his hands
I looked back up at him
"I- Tommy I-" I stuttered over my words, what was he expecting me to say?

"Ladies and gentleman, the race will start in 5 minutes" I looked up as the tannoy went off, Tommy stiffened in his place, looking at me with such urgency.
"Mar I don't have fucking time" he stressed.

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