22| Crossroads

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"The most beautiful thing about young love is the truth in our hearts that it will last forever"        

"The most beautiful thing about young love is the truth in our hearts that it will last forever"         -Atticus

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Tommy's POV

I'd got to London a day ago, I'd pulled every string in the book to get Arthur out.
I'd gotten all the witness statements retracted, he was due to be let out in the morning.

I then tried everything to get Mar out, but Sabini actually had bodies against her, it wasn't all just hearsay.
I'd drunken myself to sleep last night. I could still feel the whiskey in my system when I woke up.

Today there was only one thing left to do. Appeal to Alfie fucking Solomons.
I had to get him back on side. Anything just to get Mar out.

I'd sorted everything else back home.
Me and Campbell were back on somewhat agreeable terms.
May seemed pissed off with me but as long she trained the horse up I wasn't that bothered by her reaction.

Grace was a different story. She seemed to creep into my mind in the quiet moments, flashing before me in a reminder that I could never fucking have her.

Same way I could never have had Mariana. And she was the one in my mind constantly. Taunting me and eating away at my head.
I knew it was my fault she'd been locked up.
But just thinking about her near that prick... it stirred something in my mind that called for blood.

His blood.
On my hands. On her hands. As long as he was fucking dead I don't care who killed him.

I picked Ada's roommate James up and arrived at the distillery around 10.
"Hello Ollie" I greeted
He took me to Alfie, yet I'd set my plan in motion already. I'd try and be polite, if that backfired. Then I had a plan B waiting outside.

He was mad if he thought he could get away with crossing us. I didn't mind it really. We'd done to plenty of other business before. But he went too far
He put Mar in a place where she was bound to crack.
And if that guard was there with her, I'm not sure we'll ever bring her back to reality.
If one hair on her head is touched. I swear to fuck he's dead.

Milton and Solomons.

Alfie's POV

"Thomas Shelby" Ollie said, holding the door open for him as he sat opposite me. Just staring.

I'd left Mar this morning, Dorothy did most of the caring for her last night. Giving her a bath and fetching some clothes for her.
She stayed at mine last night, I'd slept on the couch
Which is probably why my back was fucking killing.

She's cried herself to sleep and hadn't left the bedroom all morning, so I left Dorothy with her.
I wanted to stay too but this gypsy cunt rang me wanting to meet.

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