I think - Gini

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Based on the song "I Think" By Tyler The Creator teehee bc I LOVE HIM 

Gina's POV 

I was running, I don't know where I'm going but all I know right now is Nini. Nini, Nini, Nini! I can't stop thinking about her. I run when i'm trying to get things to flow through my mind. 'what are YOU doing to ME?'I thought to myself. I just wish she would call me, I just want to hear her beautiful voice. No- shes just ruining my reputation. I'm supposed to be the tough girl. Not the lesbian theater kid in love with the straight girl. She's driving me CRAZY! I want to take her on a date- dinner- no thats too much. Just hang out at my house- or hers. UGH I can't. Now i'm just thinking- what is Nini thinking?

Nini's POV

Gina. I love her- wait. No. I think i'm falling in love with her. But I think that this time it's real, like more real than Ej and Ricky combined. 'How can I tell you?'  I thought to myself "Gina. I'm in love with you. Even though you're defentily straight." I shook my head. no no NO! I can't. Then I started thinking about that one time with Gina at the party. My whole face went red. "She didn't mean what she said! She was DRUNK!" I cried out. 

Both POV

"I'm in love with her" I thought to myslef. "Even though shes straight. I'm in love." 

Gina's POV 

 I know I was drunk. Dammit EJ! It's all his fault. But I meant everything I said. "I'm going to tell her!" I said out loud. "But first. I need to talk to the king and queen of gay." 

I ran to Seb's house. It wasn't far from where I was, I mean we all go to the same school. I knock on his door. But Carlos opened it. "SEB I NEED YOUR- Oh. Hey Carlos." I said. "Hello to you to Gina. Whats wrong? Seb is in the bathroom." He let me in and I sat on the couch. He gave me a blanket. It looked like they were binge watching Disney movies and eating all the snacks in the house. Then Seb walked out of the bathroom and stopped. "Oh heyy Gina!" He said. "Whats wrong babes? You look sad." I whined. "IM GAY! SUPER GAY...." Carlos chuckled. "Yes, yes you are." Seb gently hit him on the arm and sat next to me and gave me a side hug. "So, who is it?" Seb said. "Nini." I whispered out. 

Nini's POV 

"Gina" I said, my head on Rickys lap. "Dang Nini. Thats gay" 

a/n ok so I'm watching Glee for the 100th time and can I say Ryder in S5 E6 (Moving Out) is really out here asking out Marley after her and Jake broke up. Any who this is my first time writing anything that isn't Seblos. So yee yee also thats it. Also gAy RiGhTs!1!1!!1!1 

500 words

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