Par-tay! - Seblos

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For once Seb and Carlos were invited to a high school party. 

Not some party that Ashlyn threw but a HIGH SCHOOL MAKE BAD DECICIONS PARTY

"Are we going?" Carlos asked nervously

"Heck yeah we're going! I'm not about to miss out on this oppertunity!" 

Carlos laughed and they both got ready to go. 

Seb wore a white shirt and blue jeans, paired with his red flannel tied around his waist. 

Carlos just put on one of Sebs hoodies and kept on the leggings he was wearing, he really didn't care for parties but wanted to make Seb smile.


Once they got to the house they both stood there. 

"Seblos! Glad you two could make it!" EJ said running up to them.

The only reason they did  get invited was because EJ is on the water polo team and the person who threw the party is on the WP team. 


After a while they both split up to do their own things. 

Carlos went to hang with Ash and Red while Seb went... who knows where?

"Yeah, I just want to see him happy, thats all that matters!" 

"Guys! Their screaming "chug" Someone is clearly good at drinking." Big Red said over Carlos.

"Clearly" Ashlyn laughed. 

The three of them walk across the room to catch Seb, chugging down a gallon of beer. 

"Oh lord." Carlos managed to say.

"He's screwed" Ash said.

"Holy crap are you guys sure thats Seb?" Red said, impressed. 

"Yup. Thats my baby." Carlos said starting to walk over there. 

Ashlyn looked over at Red and they both laughed.

"He's gonna pass out when he's done." 


Once Seb finished everyone around him cheered and rooted for him. 

Seb smiled widely and screamed. "WOO HOO!" 

Right then and there. He fell to the ground.

No one was worried well exept for Carlos and Ashlyn. 

The rest clapped. "He stayed up for 2 minutes. Thats a new record."

The crowd cleared up and Ashlyn and EJ took Seb to Carlos' car. 


"Estaba tratando de ser amable y llevarte a esta tonta fiesta, ¡pero mira lo que pasó! Te desmayaste por beber un maldito galón de cerveza. Seb, debes dejar de ser estúpido algunas veces. Como si te quisiera y todo pero eres Karen Smith" Carlos scolded. 

(( "I was trying to be nice and take you to this dumb party but look what happened! You passed out from drinking a freaking gallon of beer. Seb, you need to stop being stupid some times. Like I love you and all but you're Karen Smith." ))

Seb woke up and yawned. 

"What happened?" He said drinking a bottle of water.

"Bebiste y luego terminaste desmayándote." Carlos said, still pissed.

"English please." Seb said and Carlos rolled his eyes laughing. "You drank and then you ended up passing out." Carlos translated. 

"Oh great."

"I'm still mad at you!" Carlos exclaimed and Seb kissed Carlos on the cheek.

"Nope. it wont work for me!" 

Seb laughed and looked out the window.

"This is gonna be a long car ride."

And so it was.


a/n this one sucked lol 

500 words 

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