The Barn - Seblos

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a/n cuz i'm in the Seblos mood. (Fluff, like so  sweet that you might get diabetes.)

"'Los?" Seb looked at his boyfriend and Carlos looked up at him. They were cuddling on Sebs bed per usual when Seb got an idea.  "whats up love?" He asked softly. "I have a surprise for you~" He said. Carlos sat up a bit and tilted his head. "Go on.." He smiled a bit. "I can't tell you 'Los- It's a SURPRISE!" Seb and Carlos both giggled and Seb got up and grabbed Carlos' hand, causing Carlos to groan. "It's outside~" Carlos sat there and refused to get up. "Fine~ I'll just have to carry you~" Seb smiled, reciving a "wait wHat?" from Carlos. Seb picked up Carlos bridal style and went outside. 

"Where are we going?" Carlos asked. "If you keep asking that question I'll make you walk" Immeditally Carlos shut up and Seb kept walking, Carlos wrapped in a blanket in his arms. 

When they finally got to the place Seb smiled widely. Carlos jumped out of his arms and saw what was infront of him. 

The barn that the Matthew-Smiths didn't use: Re-painted a pastel pink with star fariy lights everywhere. Inside there was a big white sheet hung in the back with a projector pointing at it, the floor was covered in blankets and on one of the hay bales there was a buffet of snacks. In the middle, facing the makeshift TV was a big blanket fort. 

"Seb! This is AMAZING!!" Carlos yelled giving Seb a hug, taking off his shoes and running to the blanket fort. Seb giggled and got the big popcorn bag. "I'm glad you like it because this took WAY to long!" Carlos kissed Seb on the cheek and Seb got on the computer to play Newsies: The Broadway Musical (yes, it's on Disney+) 

Once they got to the end of act 1 they stopped the movie to strech their legs. 

"Seb, why did you do all of this for me?" Carlos looked at the pale boy, saw that he was blushing. "Well. 'Los, it's beause.. I-" Carlos tilted his head. "It's ok. You don't have to say i-" Carlos was stopped by Seb grabbing his face and kissing him dead on the lips. "Because Carlos Rodriguez, I- I LOVE YOU~" Carlos sat there shocked, wide-eyed. 

Seb looked down and hugged his knees. "Great, I messed up date night" He thought to himself. "I-I'm sorry" He pressed play on the movie and Carlos still sat in the same place, still confused on what just happened. 

"I love you too Seb." He whispered. Causing Seb to look up. "What?" Carlos looked at Seb. It was like he had hearts in his eyes. "Sebastian Matthew-Smith. I. Love. You. Too." They both sat there and blushed. "Sorry, about the kiss." Carlos smiled. "It was nice." Seb smiled again and watched the video. Well until Carlos grabbed Seb's shirt and pulled him into a kiss. 

"I love you more~" 


"Are you sure?"


"Fine, you win."


a/n the last part you can let which one win. That was the most cutest thing I've ever written. 

524 words

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