See You Again?- Seb/Seblos

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a/n all  written in Sebs POV

I looked at this mysterouis boy. More brownish-tanish skin, black hair. Beautiful brown eyes. Glasses. I could tell when he was consitraitng becasue his eyebrows would furrow. My god how hot he was. "Seb? You're staring.....again." My friend Kourtney said. "Oh- I um was-" She laughed. "Day dreaming about him" I rolled my eyes. "You should talk to him. Before he leaves." She said trying to get me out of my chair. "Okay, okay." I got up and went over to him. 

"Hey" I said. 'hey? REALLY?'  I thought. He looked up at me and smiled. "Hello." his voice sent shivers down my spine. "I- uh" He laughed. "I saw you staring. You're cute" He said, blushing and going back to reading his book. "Oh- I erm uh. Thanks? I mean thank you! You are cute also- I mean" I laughed and let my hand out. "Sebastion. Seb for short." He looked up again and shook my hand, he had soft skin and a firm grip. "Carlos." I smiled. 


We talked for a bit and we exchanged numbers. "Will I see you again?" Carlos asked. I smiled. "I hope so." He got up and gathered his things. He winked at me and left. Then Kourtney came up to me. "So.. how did it go?" I fell backwards on the booth. "EEeEeeeEEE" 


I was in class when I heard a fimilar voice, "Seb?" I turned around. It was Carlos, "is this seat taken?" I look around for Kourtney but she was with Nini. "Oh no. You can sit here." He smiled and sat down. We sat there for about 3 minutes until he broke the silence. "So, it looks like we saw eachother again." I lifted an eyebrow and then remebered. "Yeah I guess so"

300 words 

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