Umm, hi

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Please, do not overlook this. I mean, it doesnt really matter if you read it or not, but still please read it. Thanks! 

Hello fellow wattpaders, 

Well, I guess I should start off by saying thank you for clicking on my story description and then further clicking the read button. I mean, honestly, it means a lot. 

Let me tell you all something, this is my very first story. Like ever. Okay, that's a lie; I wrote a story once before in like sixth grade, but that doesn't really count. 

Anyway, point is, this is my very first Wattpad book ever. I'd like to think that it wasn't too bad, but to tell you the truth, it kinda really sucks. When the idea for this story first came to me, I thought it would be a great story and it would be a great thing to write. I knew that not a lot of people would read it, but I was okay with that. I just wanted to try something new and I found that I really do enjoy writing, even if I'm no good. 

But, you see, I'm actually really disappointed with Trust Issues, which was also previously known as Trust Issues: Understatement of The Year. I'm not even kidding, I am so disappointed in this. I personally think that its one of my worst ideas for a story thus far, but I don't know. 

It definitely didn't go the way I had planned for it to go, or better yet imagined for it to go cause I didn't do too much planning. It was kinda just let me sit down at my computer and write whatever the fuck comes to mind. And that worked for a while, but then I stopped getting ideas to write and so it honestly feels like I dragged this out for too long. 

I guess we are our own biggest critics, you know. So maybe, this isn't as bad as I think it is. I don't know, but you are welcomed to continue on to the prologue and find out for yourself. 

Thanks for your interest in the story and I hope you don't hate it too much. Let me know what you think about it when you decided enough is enough. (And also, don't forget to vote if you happened to like a chapter, even though I'm sure that's highly unlikely.) 

Anyway, enjoy.

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