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"jeongguk right?" sooyoung switches seats with the person sitting next to him in the car.
the raven nods, glancing at his phone for any new messages from jimin. "i found this in your room," she pulls out taehyung's watch from her pocket, handing it to him, "i know the initials aren't yours, but they also weren't the person's who had it on. i assume it was your roommates?"
jeongguk looks at the watch and back at her, "how'd you know?"
"i'm good at remembering names and faces, that's why i'm the leader. these people need someone to guide them, someone who connects with them. we're all young, and scared shitless, and parentless," sooyoung gives him a small smile, "are you sure you want to be dropped off? you can come with us to ulsan, seokjin is leading the way."
with a shake of his head, jeongguk takes the watch. "no, i have someone who needs me here. thank you though," he stuffs the watch in his pocket, offering her a smile back.
his heart is ecstatic, was it because he would see taehyung? he doesn't even know what he'll do once he sees the older. jeongguk was so shaken with the thought of taehyung dying, this only meant he cared right? you still care dumbass, his conscious tells him. jeongguk internally rolls his eyes.
the car comes to a halt, and jeongguk knows they've arrived to the pharmacy. he has already told seokjin about duck, the older would only get off to take the little boy with him. the group that seokjin led was still planning on taking shelter at ulsan, where supposed shelter camps were already in place. but jeongguk has different plants that involve a rich boy and an island.
securing that the exit will be safe, two gunmen give a thumbs up after clearing the area. jeongguk and seokjin leave the car, and jeongguk comes to a pause as he sees mint hair swaying in the wind, taehyung stands with duck in his arms.
the raven is at loss for words as he approaches taehyung, who refuses to look at him. seokjin walks to him first, scooping duck up in his arms and giving the little kid a kiss on his cheek. jimin and the boy from the apartments ( jeongguk doesn't know his name ) are outside as well, makeshift weapons in their hands as they look around for any sign of the dead. it's weird that there's no dead lurking around, but he assumes they've found a feast.
"thank you taehyung, for taking care of him, i owe you," seokjin bows in front of taehyung, and the younger blushes as he bows back.
however, just as seokjin turns around to get back into the car, duck turns to look at taehyung, his little hands extending out towards him, "stay taetae!" he tells seokjin, who glances back at the mint haired boy.
"you can't stay duckie, we're going somewhere safe yeah?" the hyung tries to convince him, but duck squirms in his hold, trying so hard to run back to taehyung. "stay taetae!"
from the car, someone tells them to hurry up, the dead have been spotted. there's really no time to waste, the dead are running their way. "it's ok seokjin hyung, i can take care of duck. i swear on my life," taehyung runs to seokjin, who nods and hands him duck.
"take care little guys," he smiles at them both.
both groups find safety, leaving the dead to bang on the pharmacy door and some to chase after the car. jimin hugs jeongguk, ruffling his hair, "you punk, how could you not even message me before once!"
jeongguk pushes jimin off, offering him a small apology. he looks around and sees yoongi eyeing the two with a serious face. "jeon, this is yoongi. he told me he knows you and tae," yoongi approaches them and bows quickly, jeongguk doing the same.
taehyung is nowhere to be seen. jeongguk looks around, trying to be subtle about it. but yoongi and jimin notice, the two sharing a grin. "he's probably down in the basement with duck. i set up an old tv and—" jeongguk doesn't let jimin finish as he starts making his way down the stairs.
what the hell is he supposed to do. he refuses to hug, let alone tell him i'm glad you're okay. and he is, he really is glad but. . .
"i thought you were leaving," taehyung says as he sees jeongguk.
the raven opens his mouth, but doesn't really know what to say. "i was, but they radioed sooyoung about the gates so we headed back."
"why didn't you leave with them?"
"because i- i- don't have to explain anything to you. it's my decision."
taehyung frowns, looking back at duck. jeongguk scowls himself. he approaches the two and sits down next to them. "i didn't mean to say that tae. here," he takes out the watch and puts it on taehyung, carefully clipping the ends together.
"where'd you find this?" taehyung touches the watch and looks at jeongguk, making the younger's breath hitch.
god, taehyung is so handsome. jeongguk loses his train of thoughts for a moment, "uh, in the room, back at the big house. i- i thought you were dead," he chuckles, punching the bridge of his nose.
taehyung smiles, "i'm too smart to die. . . were you upset?" he asks the last question quietly, jeongguk knows he's testing the waters.
jeongguk nods, putting his ego to the side as he looks at taehyung, eyes examining every little detail on the older's face. "yeah, i was. i wouldn't have anyone to boss around anymore."
both of them laugh.
a/n not the best chapter but the following will be better!