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jimin pays close attention to jeongguk, examining how the younger has his eyes glued on taehyung, a small smile on his lips appearing anytime the mint haired boy would laugh with duck. it's obvious jeongguk is fighting a battle with himself.
"taehyung is so handsome, and nice, and brave, and—"
"what do you want jimin?" jeongguk gives the shorter male a look.
jimin smiles, nudging his shoulder, "just saw you ogling him. why don't you make a move?"
"ha, jimin, when did you get so funny? did you forget who kim is? black card kim?" jeongguk raises his brows for emphasis, making a im swiping a card motion with his hand.
the black haired male sighs, "you're seriously still holding onto that? it's not good for you, or anyone gguk. what happened to your sister was an unfortunate thing."
"sorry, i forgot you were the one that found her dead. i swore i would never associate myself, let alone befriend, someone of that status. they bring nothing but misfortune and-" he looks at taehyung.
he's blowing raspberries on the little kid's tummy, and jeongguk has to stop what he's saying. "tae isn't like that. you know that."
jeongguk gets up from his seat and walks away into the room, shutting the door behind him. taehyung notices, and his kind nature takes over as he tells duck to stay put and watch tv. he glances at jimin, who adverts his gaze at his phone.
taehyung steps inside the room, jeongguk's back facing him as he closes the door. taehyung takes small steps towards the younger, not sure how to approach him. "leave me alone jimin," he murmurs.
"not jimin," taehyung replies, earning the attention from the raven.
jeongguk's gaze softens, "oh. do you need something?"
taehyung sits down on the bed next to him, placing his hand on jeongguk's shoulder, feeling the muscles tense up. "are you ok? you look a little distraught."
"i'm fine. i'm just tired," jeongguk yawns, "is this bed being used?"
taehyung shakes his head, "no, go ahead and sleep. do you want a tea? i'll make you one so you feel more relaxed?"
the raven looks at taehyung and smiles, "ok."
taehyung nods, standing up and pulling out a blanket from a shelf. he lets jeongguk lay down, and then he covers jeongguk up, catching the younger by surprise. "oh, thanks."
the mint haired boy smiles, letting jeongguk rest for a bit as he leaves the room. "is he in a better mood?" jimin comes near him as the younger searches for a calming tea upstairs in the pharmacy area.
"mhm, he's just tired. he's grumpy when he's tired," that catches jimin off guard. those tiny habits weren't something everyone knew about jeongguk.
jimin stands between the rack of goods and taehyung, "did something happen between you two before? he never mentioned you and now you two show up together."
with a chuckle, taehyung shakes his head, "we were friends his freshmen year at uni. but we fell apart."
jimin was really meticulous.
"because he found out i was rich and he has this weird hatred towards anyone who's wealthy. and, i suppose i made it worse, because i hid who i was for weeks before he found out," taehyung snatches a chamomile tea packet and shrugs.
jimin doesn't say anything for a while. "oh, i'm sorry," he looks down at his hands, "i promise he isn't like that. deep down he's good and not an ass."
"it's ok. i don't really expect anything, i'm used to it," taehyung gives jimin a smile and retracts back down to the basement.
so they were friends, jimin grabs a pack of chips for yoongi and him before going back down. the older looks at him, grabbing the bag of chips from his hands before opening it. "so i'll take this couch tonight, since i'm taller than you," jimin grins.
yoongi flicks his forehead, "hey, we're like the same size. show some respect to your elders!"
inside the room, taehyung sets the mug of warm tea on the bedside table, careful not to wake jeongguk up. he shuffles around his things, neatly setting the younger's boots to the side and hanging up his backpack. it's not very late out, his watch reads 7:23 pm. duck hadn't eaten anything since they left. taehyung needs to occupy himself with things in order to shove aside the thoughts of claudia that still torment his mind. he wonders if she's out there somewhere. . .
"are you ok taehyung?"
jeongguk sits up on the bed, looking at taehyung with worry in his eyes at the older's troubled expression. taehyung glances at him, and dodges the question, "your tea is ready. do you like chamomile? i can put honey in it if it's too plain."
"i asked you a question, come here," jeongguk pats the empty space bedside him.
taehyung doesn't want to upset jeongguk, so he obeys and sits on the beds edge. "did something happen?" jeongguk doesn't know exactly what takes over him as he shows taehyung sympathy. his hand reaches out to the older's, taking it and running a thumb over the top of his hand.
to say he isn't taken aback would be a lie. this was incredibly weird to taehyung, but he likes the comfort he's feeling, so he doesn't pull his hand back. "i was coming here with claudia— and then she got bit," taehyung can't say anything more than that.
jeongguk's mouth makes an o shape as he registers what the latter has told him. he knew taehyung wasn't strong enough to kill her, but he opts to not ask what happened next. "i'm sorry that happened. please don't blame yourself."
the door is pushed open, and duck walks in with tired eyes and a pout. "taetae, i eat?"
taehyung pulls his hand away from jeongguk's, directing his attention to duck. "of course baby, do you want a yogurt?"
jeongguk watches taehyung nurture the little kid, and something inside of him softens. was his hatred towards taehyung finally diminishing? a small part of him hopes that's the case.
a/n more action to come! ( serious question: would you prefer soft intimate smut, or more detailed smut? )