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taehyung wakes up alone. sleepily, he pats the space besides him and feels it empty and cold, causing him to finally open his eyes and look around the room for jeongguk. to his dismay, he's not there. the digital clock reads 9:06 am, and although to him it's late, everyone else seems to be deep in sleep.
he throws the covers off his body, rubbing at his tired eyes as he makes his way into the small bathroom the bedroom has incorporated. quickly, he uses the restroom and brushes his teeth, and splashes water on his face to wake him up.
the kitchen is empty too. he wishes jeongguk would've woken up besides him, and perhaps even woken him up like in the movies. was that too cliche?
taehyung yawns, covering his mouth with his hand. the fridge is (in taehyung's mind) empty, with only a dozen of eggs and a carton of milk and some other bagged up goodies. his chef would always have their fridge stocked, varieties of foods always ready to be prepared. but, of course, taehyung wasn't in his lavish home. neither did he have a personal chef anymore.
"morning," a voice that's all too familiar speaks up, causing taehyung to look up from the fridge.
he's wearing proper clothes, a face mask hanging below his mouth, and plastic bags full of groceries on both his hands. "good morning," taehyung replies, blushing as the younger walks past him.
taehyung feels giddy, like a schoolgirl with a ridiculous crush. jeongguk barely pays attention to him, deciding putting the groceries away is more important than facing the boy he had kissed not even twenty four hours ago.
and taehyung isn't stupid, he realizes what the younger is doing. immediately, his mood drops and he suddenly wonders if jeongguk regrets it. he supposes people do stupid things in the midst of something scary or exciting. he himself had kissed jeongguk down in the drains out of fear. and by the way jeongguk is acting, it can't be anything but that.
taehyung feels his throat close up, quickly looking back down, trying to push away those thoughts. he pours himself a glass of milk, quietly drinking as jeongguk organizes the cabinets.
"some of our classmates are downtown, they were picked up by the military shortly after we left," jeongguk comments, though it's not what taehyung wants to talk about.
he's happy some were able to be saved, but that didn't erase what they would do to him. "that's good," taehyung murmurs, emptying out the cup and washing it.
seeing jeongguk won't be bringing up what happened, taehyung does so instead.
"do you regret it?"
jeongguk looks at him with wide eyes, doe eyes appearing even rounder as he blinks and struggles with replying. taehyung purses his lips, "it's ok, it never happened right?"
"what? no," jeongguk puts down the items in his hands and walks towards taehyung, grabbing his hands and pulling him close, "no, i don't regret it but-"
taehyung frowns, "but?"
"l-let's keep it between us for now ok?" jeongguk caresses taehyung's face, cupping his cheeks and pressing a soft kiss on his lips.
taehyung can't help the blood that flows to his cheeks, making them resemble tomatoes. taehyung agrees, though it feels like two years ago when jeongguk and him made their friendship a secret for the sake of jeongguk not losing his reputation. did he feel the same now? was he embarrassed?
the raven pushes taehyung away when yoongi walks in, occupying himself with the groceries once again.
yoongi gives taehyung a look, but the brunette brushes it off and walks back to the room.
a/n a little filler chapter,,, can you tell where the problem is?