Chiiri, dear reader!
Oh my goodness, you opened this book! Thank you so much for doing that!
Before you go on, there are some important things you have to know.
1. This isn't a typical book about a main character who was born ready even though they may or may not realize it.
This book is about a girl who's character isn't usually portrayed in books a lot. She is... different.
Some may even call her childish. (Hey! You didn't say it but you thought it!)Anyways, she may seem childish at first but that's the point of the story so when you read chapter one, don't go on and be all "oh my gosh this book is sooooo immature and I'm way too old to be reading something like this, bye!"
No, don't do that. All I'm asking is that you get to at least chapter....three or so.2. Just because number 1 was getting too long, I'll continue here. Our hero is fifteen years old here with a rough upbringing, but she is also funny and annoying. See this book as a coming of age book where she learns the true meaning of responsibility and gains more knowledge and experiences life changing moments. Don't Judge a book by its first Chapter. I promise it gets better.
3. It is a work of fiction! What's more? It's a work of fiction all from my overactive brain! Honestly, I didn't steal any ideas from anywhere so if by any chance there is any resemblance to places, (or movie, or book), or persons living or dead, it is completely coincidental!
4. I had to shift chapters at a point so the chapter comments may not be in sync. Sorry about that, just a heads-up.
5. Now, you may be interested in writing your own book sometime. Maybe reading mine has inspired you to give birth to a book that may go places and might even have the chance to be a #1 New York times Bestseller in the future. If this is the case...
Get your own freaking ideas!
Honestly, good luck and all if you do want to write your own book but do not plagiarize my story. Nuh-uh, nope! I went through a lot to get this far so if you go ahead and mess it up for me I will know and it won't be funny.6. Did I mention I love bunnies? Oh my goodness I do! You might find them in the book at a point.
Thanks so much once more. I love that you're reading this. I hope you enjoy your journey into Oscavia.
Or as we say in Oscavian, Chiiri!
Valerie and the Legends of Oscavia
AdventureHeroes don't really seem like heroes at first. They're probably just some kid nextdoor and all of a sudden, "boom!" they have powers and are saving the world. Well, Valerie Reece is no exception! Sort of. She was a normal girl who was just trying to...