Chapter 4

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Our car stopped in front of a huge house. So, it was going to be my new home. As I entered the lounge, I realized that they were pretty rich.

A middle-aged beautiful woman came and hugged me.
"Hello, I'm Maria... uh.. your uncle's wife," she said smiling and I returned her my best fake smile.

"Oh my God, you're so pretty" A girl of around fourteen pulled me in a bone-crushing hug. She had dirty blonde hair like that woman and beautiful green eyes. Her skin was tanned and she was wearing a pink tank top with black skinny jeans.  I smiled awkwardly.  She was really cute.

"Mom, she is so pretty and young," a small boy of age eight or nine said wiggling his brows and her mom laughed.

"So kids.. this is Anabia, your sister.  Now she'll live with us" uncle Afzal said smiling and that blonde squeezed my cheeks.

"Hey, I'm Sarah, Daniel's sister " she winked. "And this is Hadi, the youngest one of the family," she said looking at Hadi.

"Can I call you Ana " that cute little boy smiled and asked?

"Uh.. sure, I would love to hear this " this was the first time I spoke.

As we settled down on the sofa, a tall figure appeared in the room.
I lifted my head. He was a boy, really really really handsome boy.  But he was different from the rest of the family. His black sparkling eyes were checking me out. His black messy hair was adding his beauty.

When did you start checking a guy Anabia?

I scolded myself and averted my gaze.  I was staring floor but his gaze was burning my cheeks.

Daniel's POV

The loud noise from the lounge disturbed my sleep. I put my shirt on and stepped into the lounge. Dad was already there.
Oh, he is back.

Then my eyes traveled to a girl sitting on the sofa. My eyes got widen as I looked at her clothes.  She was wearing a lot of clothes. Her clothes were really long and loose and her head was wrapped from some clothes. Believe me, she was dressed like Griffin,  the invisible man. I was wondering if she could breathe in these clothes or not.

So she was my wife,
Wow dad, here is a salute to your choice. I whined but then I realized that I had to do nothing with her. I have a hot, pretty girlfriend then who would care about a shy, nerd, aunty type girl like her.
I remembered my pledge to make her life hell, to torture her so that she leaves me by herself.

"Daniel,  she is Anabia your wife " Dad gave me a known look and smiled at that girl Anabia.

She looked shocked. She lifted her head up and then again started staring floor.  She was too shy to say "hi" but she was not that bad looking.

"Hi," I said and she nodded her head giving me her weak smile.

Without putting any second glance at her,  I left the lounge.

Anabia's POV

I really loved my room. It was attached to a terrace and I loved the view from my terrace. My eyes got widened when I looked through my closet.  There were already a lot of clothes and other accessories hanging there. It meant they had worked on it. A small warm smile appeared on my face.

I put the photo frames on the nightstand and laid down on my king-sized bed.
Soon I was lost in my beautiful dream.


It's been a week in London. Sarah was really nice, she was just like a chatterbox and I guess I liked her. Hadi became my favorite person in the house. He called me Ana, soon I became Ana for the whole house.

Uncle Afzal's behavior was really caring but I just didn't like him. How could I like someone who planned so many things about my life just for the sake of his business?

Maria's behavior was weird. She was bipolar I think.  Her smile seemed fake to me and I guess she didn't like me much yet she never showed this.

Daniel aka Daniyal, my husband, his behavior and ignorance made me clear that I was his unwanted wife and he was forced into this marriage. He didn't even talk to me. I could see hatred in his eyes for me.  First I got upset then I accepted this.  Now I didn't care that he liked me or not. The worst thing was our rooms were attached.

I got admission to the same school, today was my first day of school.  I put on my grey long shirt which reached to my knees, black trousers, and wrapped a grey hijab around my head. I never liked makeup so I went through some creme and kohl.

"Ana, hurry up girl. We are getting late" Sarah yelled from downstairs and I  ran towards her. After taking a glass of juice and sandwich we hopped in the car. I was too nervous as it was my first day at a new place. I was an introvert and I didn't know how to make friends. What if someone bullied me?? Many thoughts were running in my mind and my heart was pounding.

The driver dropped us at the school gate. Hadi waved to us and ran towards his class.  Now I was walking with Sarah.

"Best of luck " Sarah whispered as we reached our lockers. I gave her my weak smile and started struggling with my locker.  It was not opening,  a tear fell from my eyes. 

"Hey, are you okay " a girly voice interrupted my thoughts,  I looked at her. She was a girl of my age with brown hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a long sleeve shirt with blue skinny jeans.

"Uh...ummm...uhh...actually " I was stuttering and I could feel the sweat forming in my palms.

"Oh... I got that" she smiled and took the keys from my hand and opened the locker.

"Thank you so much " I gave her a genuine smile.

"You are new there right " she smiled raising her brows.

Before I could answer she was tackled by a bunch of girls and she waved at me. I sighed and stepped into my classroom.

My anxiety was hitting me badly,  I was too scared.  I looked at the class and I spotted an empty place and sat there. I opened my books and bent down on them.

"Who the fuck are you" a loud noise touched my ear and I lifted my head. She was a  brunette with green eyes.  She was wearing a skirt that was barely covering her ass. Her dress was too tight that I wondered if she could breathe? I was no one to judge anyone but who the heck wears such type of dress in school.  Her face was caked with a lot of makeup. Her both hands were on her hips and she was glaring at me.

"Umm..uhh.." I tried to speak but ended up stuttering.

"Listen you nerd,  this is my seat and I'm Lily Sparkle.  No one had ever dared to sit on this. So better get your fat ass away from this" she growled and I stood up from the seat.

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