Chapter 27

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Anabia's POV

I was paying the least attention to the teacher as my mind was stuck in Daniyal.
"Are you okay " Kate shook my shoulders and I was startled... I gasped as I realized that our class was over.

"Umm...uhh... just a little headache " I sighed and faked a smile.

" know last night Daniel fought with Alexxx" Jessie screamed in our ears.

"Really..? They are best of friends.. why would they fight?" Natalie wiggled her eyebrows.

"Well..idk. Kyle told me they went to a party and after some time they started a fight and ruined the party " Jessie said twirling her locks.

My heart skipped a beat. He fought for me... to his best friend cuz he was talking something about me...?

Really...? But why...?

"C'mon girls let's go to the cafeteria.. my belly is crying from hunger " Kate interrupted them and we headed towards the cafeteria.

We were waiting for our orders then Kyle came to our seat. He gave Jessie a small kiss then smiled at me. I gave him a weird look. Why was he smiling at me?

"Anabia " he called my name... I furrowed my brows.

"Is there something between you and Daniel? " I almost choked on my food. Jessie rubbed my back and eyed him suspiciously.

"" I wiped my mouth.

"What made you think about this?" Jessie wiggled her eyebrows.

"Umm nothing.. just asking " he smiled at us but I knew he didn't want to answer this. What did Daniyal say to them??

My thoughts got interrupted by the ringtone of his phone. He received the call but the next second the phone slipped from his hand.

"What's wrong," Jessie asked.

"A car crashed Daniel.. he's in hospital. " he finished his sentence and ran outside.

"Ohh, God..." Jessie almost screamed.  Soon there was hustle and noise in the whole cafeteria as Daniyal was the most popular guy in the school.
But I became deaf ... it felt like the world had stopped around me. I could feel the weird feelings in my stomach, in my heart, in my body.  I wanted to scream... I wanted to run to him but I was silent...

"Ana" I tilted my head when I heard Sarah's voice. I stared at her with blank eyes.

"Ana are you okay..." Sarah realized that I wasn't normal. She came closer to me and pulled me in to hug.

"Ana..." she was crying... sobbing in my arms but I was silent.

"Ana.. what happen to you... the doctor said that he needs to do his operation" she said sobbing and looked at me.

"Sarah... I want to see him.." I said in a weak voice. My friends were shocked to see my behavior.

As I reached the hospital...I found so many people were there... Alex... Kyle... Jace... Emily... Lily..and God knows how many people.

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