Chapter 32

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Daniel's POV

Last night was the best night of my life. It was really surprising that I fell in love with her... a girl like her..and I was so lucky to have her in my life. Now life was beautiful...

She was still sleeping. She looked pretty even with her bed hair. I pecked her cheeks and I was gazing at her angelic face. The memories of last night were flashing on my mind and I was smiling like the happiest person on the earth.

I snapped back to reality when my phone buzzed.
Dad calling
Why he was calling me?? I frowned.. my mood was spoiled.  What he did to us it was unforgettable. He was a biased person.. he had always taken Maria's side without bothering for the truth.
I declined the call but my phone kept ringing. Frowning, I slid to answer him.

"Yes," I said rudely.

"Daniel " his voice was weak and low.

"How can I help you... Mr.Afzal" I smirked and said in my rudest tone.

"Can I take your few minutes " his voice was shaking.

"Nope... I'm busy right now " I snorted.

"Daniel ... I'm sorry my son. Sorry for everything " his voice came out like a cry.

"You know what dad... I don't give a fuck about your sorry.. sorry..? Really? You think your sorry can bring back my mom... your sorry can fix the damage you did to me.. your sorry can mend everything...? Your fucking sorry...huh...? I've forgotten that I have a fucking family... I have a fucking dad... don't call here again... neither you're my father nor I'm your son I won't care if you die to the right spot... you don't deserve me.. you never did... " I said venomously. I knew I was being an asshole to him... he didn't deserve to listen to these things but I was very short-tempered and I was looking for a chance so that I could lift the burden from my heart. I wanted to yell at him since my mom died but I was silent... but I knew one day I would explode... and guess I exploded.

I cut the call and threw my phone on the bed...and ran my fingers in my hair frustratingly.
My beautiful day had spoiled. I slammed the door of the washroom and stood under the shower.

Anabia's POV

Last night was really special. Maybe I was too young to do this.. but I did this anyway. I was happy but I was startled when I saw Daniyal's mood. He didn't talk to me...
Why.?? Was he regretting last night..? Ohh yes..he had been with a lot of maybe...

I tried to clear my head from those unwanted thoughts but I failed. Daniyal asked me to get we were leaving for our apartment. We were supposed to spend our day here but I guess he didn't want anymore. 
He was bipolar... I didn't get what's wrong with him..? He confessed his love but I was still unaware of his secrets.. he never told me about his mom or his childhood. 
I was waiting..for him to share his things with me.. maybe one day... he would trust me.

Afzal's POV

We were in LA for three weeks. Maria was upset after the shits Daniel said to her. I couldn't believe that my own son would be like this. He was too blind in hate... and now he went against us for that girl...I thought that she was an innocent and naive girl but what Maria told me about her was surprising.

Hadi was also with us. He was sleeping peacefully.  I called Maria but she was nowhere.  I sighed and got dressed. I needed to find her cuz we were going to leave for London. 

Searching for her I came outside my room. I even asked the receptionist but she also didn't know. Now I was getting worried.

I was moving to my room when I heard a loud noise on the other side of the hotel. I ran towards the side and found a couple was fighting and throwing things at each other.

I sighed and I was about to leave when I heard a feminine voice that startled me. It was Maria..but what she was doing in some other room. I was standing at the dilemma whether I should check or not. I turned the knob of the door but what I saw was enough to give me a heart attack.  My wife... Maria was in someone else's arm..someone else's bed...naked...screaming and moaning.

My legs got weak... they saw me... Maria's face was pale... She got dressed and ran towards me. I was still standing in the same position.  She had killed me...She had killed my trust... my love...She ruined everything.

The eight-year-old Daniel's voice was repeating over and over in my head... the woman whom I loved so much... the woman for whom I betrayed and hurt my angel wife, for whom I hurt my son, for whom I kicked out my children.  Guilt and repentance were hovering over me.. and the pain inside my chest was increasing.  It felt like I was going to die. But I needed to apologize to my son.. for everything I did to his mother.

I dialed his number but he didn't receive my call. I had locked myself in a room and kept dialing his number. My hands were shaking and my heart was throbbing from pain... the pain that woman gave me.

He received the call and he showed me a mirror.  I realized that I was the worst husband...worst father .. he was right my one sorry couldn't take back his mother.. my one sorry couldn't mend everything.  He said he won't care if I died.  He was right... I didn't deserve him...

I felt the strong pain increased on my left side. I fell to the ground with a loud thud and everything became black around me.

So what do you think about this chapter..? Does Afzal really deserve this.?? Now, what would be Daniel's reaction..?
Anyways if you liked this chapter.. please vote and share it with your friend.
Bbye...take care❤❤❤

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