Chapter 16

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Anabia's POV

I opened my lunch and my jaws dropped. It was the same tasteless boring lunch... I was craving for Indian's street foot.
Samosa... kachori.. tikki.. golgappe...

Control your taste bud girl! You're in London now... now get habitual of this food.

I was not fond of sweets but I was a big fan of spicy foods. Though I always got scolded by Bua... but who cared... I missed my India...

Sighing... I took a small bite of toast. Hell yess... I was carrying toast and jam in my lunchbox. Who loves jam??

Just then I felt slimy ketchup dripping from my head and I snapped back to reality. Lily was standing there with an evil smirk on her face. Her minions were taking my pictures. I frowned...She got the chance as today Jessie and Natalie were absent.

"What the heck...what do you think of yourself " I groaned.

"Aww...little terrorist got a tongue in her mouth " Lily chuckled.

"Seems...She is going to drop bombs on us" Her friend added and they all laughed evilly.

My whole hijab was spoiled, now I didn't have any spare hijab. I was on the verge of crying. I sent her a death glare. But she kept mocking me with her disgusting comments.

"Say a word again and I'll kick your fat ass" my eyes got widen as it was Kate... Am I dreaming?? She was standing for me...?
Don't forget she was the one who called you a terrorist...

"Jessie told you to not mess with her but it seems you don't want to study in this school anymore... remember who is Jessie's father?? She is Jessie's best friend... Her one complaint and y'all will be kicked out from the school " she said scowling.

"I'm sorry...sorry hijabi... I mean Ana" Lily said to me and her voice was mixed with guilt and shame.

Is this girl for real??

I didn't say anything... I grabbed my lunchbox and left.

"Ana..stop " I heard Kate's voice, she was panting.

"What" I rolled my eyes.

"Ana...umm.." she bit her nails nervously.

"Oh...I got that... thank you so much Kate for saving me..thank you " I said and started walking.

She ran after me and pulled me in to hug. I tried to push her but she was holding me tightly.
"I'm sorry Ana... so sorry...Please forgive me...I was being an asshole for you " she said crying.

My heart melted in a second. This is how I was... I broke the hug and looked at her face. There was guilt, hurt...

"It's okay...I forgive you" I sighed though it was not easy for me to forget her words. But I just didn't keep grudges for anyone. And she was my friend.

"Really?" She blinked her eyes in disbelief.

"Yes," I nodded.

"You are an amazing friend... I'm sorry for everything... I love you" she hugged me again.

"But what made you realize that you did wrong," I said smiling.

"Umm... I talked to Shuzaat then I realized that I was wrong... I had a huge crush on him..that's why I reacted in that way...Shuzaat told me that he has a fiance... I'm sorry Ana... I put false blame on you " she said twirling her hair locks.

Shuzaat lied to her that he has a fiance. He did this for me... to made Kate realize...he was a true gem... I hope he finds his dream girl.

"And you know what happened last night," she said blushing.


"What " I raised my eyebrows.

"A cute boy from our class asked me for out " she blushed more.

"Wow.. you're going on a date... what's his name" I was happy for her.

"Chase...his name is Chase Hawkins... he told me that he liked me since our freshmen year " I must say she looked cute while blushing.

"All the best " I smiled cheekily.

"Hmm... but I need your help... I don't have any proper outfit to wear. I need to buy something...Are you coming along ...?" She asked with hopeful eyes and I didn't want to deny her.

"Okay" I replied and she again pulled me in a bone-crushing hug.

Allah...this girl and her hugs...


She chose a cute short dress and now she was looking for her matching accessories.
Why girls are so crazy about their looks... why they want to look best... it just a date... if He has asked you for you a date then he'll like you in anything.

I started looking through some handbags. A handbag caught my attention. I came to another side to pick it. I picked it and saw the price tag... it was quite expensive... and I had not that much money. I sighed and put it back in its place. I was about to return but what I saw was enough to freeze my body...

I couldn't believe my eyes...maybe it was the problem with my vision. I rubbed my eyes but the view didn't change... it was the same. My legs were shaking...

It was Maria...with a blonde guy...She was making out with him. Her sleeves were almost rolled off from her shoulders and it was giving a clear view of her chest. Her hands were doing disgusting things on the guy's body. Astagfirullah...

I quickly covered my eyes. She was cheating on my Uncle... I noticed Uncle Afzal hardly stayed at home. He was so busy with his business that he didn't know what game was playing behind his back.

I toddled and I was about to fall when someone held me.
"Are you okay?" a deep voice said to me... I just nodded... my gaze traveled to Maria... She was looking at me with her pale face.

I quickly get up on my legs and spotted Kate.

"I need to go home," I said panting.

"Are you okay?" she asked worryingly. I nodded.

She dropped me...I almost ran to my room...

My heart was beating fast...Maria... She was cheating on her husband behind his back...

"Should I tell everything to Uncle Afzal? " I asked myself but it was loud enough to hear by anyone.

"Don't ever think about this " a high-pitched voice said to me... gasping I turned around.

Maria was standing at the door with an evil smirk on her face.

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Love love...

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