Chapter 19

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Anabia's POV

"So I'm making a group of four people work on a particular topic" Mr. Paul shot us a smile. There was usual murmuring as they all were keen to know about their groups.

I heard the squealing of Kate as she ended with Jessie, Natalie, and Chase. They were so lucky. I was praying that I get nice people too.

Last time I got the best partner.. and now he was my best friend, a friend whom I trust the most... the one who knows everything about me.

"Shuzaat Khan, Anabia Waqar...." Is this for real?
This is a coincidence right...?

I smiled at Shuzaat but soon my smile faded out when I heard the next names.
"Lily Sparkle "
Are they kidding me..?
Lily... how could I work with her?

I wish the last person wouldn't turn to Emily as I couldn't deal with two monsters at the same time...
Don't judge me... they were monsters... Lily hated me for God knows what reasons and Emily... I guess if they both would be in the same group... they ended up in a pretty nice fight...
I had no grudges for Emily...except I was a little bit jealous of her.

Jealous...did I just say that I was jealous of Emily..?
Control your hormones girl..!

"Daniyal Murtaza" as Mr. Paul announced my heart skipped a beat.
His name sounds so good... he was Daniel to everyone but he couldn't change his surname though... only a few people know that he was a Muslim. I have to work with Daniyal.?
This project couldn't go any worse...
First Lily and now Daniyal.

"You need to choose a suitable physics topic after discussing with your group members," Mr. Paul said fixing his glasses and the class dispersed.

We decided to work on "Magnetic Field and magnetic effect of Current". Physics was never my favorite but this topic was interesting and we had to work as a team so it will make it easy for us.

After lunch, we sat under a tree to discuss the project. We had to submit the project we had only one day.

I, Daniyal, and Shuzaat were waiting for Lily. I saw Lily coming towards us swaying her hips. She was wearing a too-short skirt that her ass was barely covered and her long smooth legs were making her damn sexy. I wondered why he was after Daniyal when she could make any guy fall on his knees. Well, I heard that she slept with a lot of guys but she never dated them... she was waiting for one and only Daniyal.
What was so special about him..?

"Sup' buddies," she said twirling her locks and her green eyes were sparkling from excitement.
Why so excited duh..?

"I guess we should start our work now as we have only one day " Shuzaat cleared her throat as Lily was busy scrutinizing Daniyal's pretty face.

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