Chapter 31

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It was a beautiful and different morning... should I say the best morning of my life?

I found the real happiness of my life, I found the meaning of my life, I found the love of my life.

I woke up in his arms. His arms were strongly draped on my waist. I could feel his heartbeat. He was now mine.
He belongs to me... he loves me...
I'm his wife... No more his unwanted wife...

I entered the shower and looked at my reflection. My skin was glowing naturally... glowing from love.

"Daniyal... you'll be late for school. Wake up" I shook his shoulders.

"Skip the school," he said in a deep husky voice.

"Umm...why.." I was staring at his handsome face.
God... I can't get enough from him...

He caught my hand and pulled me closer so that I fell on his chest. He placed a soft kiss on the corner of my lips.
"Brush your teeth" I pushed him away.. he rolled his eyes.
"You mean...I'm stinking "

"Yess" I scrunched my nose.

"Really " he showed his signature smirk and moved a step closer to me. I stepped back and my back touched the wall. Run...

But he held my wrist and pinned me against the wall. He moved his face closer to mine.
"Now say this again " he whispered in my ears and I felt a shiver down my spine.

"Say.." he inhaled the scent of my hair and said huskily.

"I'm sor..sorry " I replied calming my breath.
This boy was driving me insane.

"I'm getting late for school" I tried to distract him from what he was doing.

"You're so stubborn..can't you just skip a class for me " he whined like a baby.

"I skipped twenty days for you " I pouted.

" love " he pecked my lips.
My love... better I should be habitual of his endearments and kiss or I'll be blushing and flustering the whole time.

"Now leave my hand." I smiled and he tightened his grip on me.

"Listen" as I reached the door he called me.

"What" I arched my eyebrows.

"We can go somewhere after school.. be ready " he smiled and locked himself in the washroom.

Did he just ask me for a date... a freaking date..???
I mean a real date... a halal date...

I was on cloud nine.  I called Sarah to pick me from my apartment as she was on my ride today cuz Daniyal was skipping school. 

"Wooooahh.. you're going on a date... woowww" Sarah exclaimed like a kid.

"What should I wear," I asked. I was thinking about my outfit since morning but I hadn't decided.  I was such a hypocrite... I was the one who was laughing at Kate when she was too nervous about her date. Now I was feeling the same.  Now I realized why people want to look perfect.
And I was too bad at choosing any dress but I wanted to look beautiful...
For him.. for my husband.

"Sarah, tell me.. what should I wear... I don't even know his favorite color" I groaned at Sarah who was busy on her phone texting someone.

I snatched her phone and my eyes got widened. She was texting Shuzaat. I raised my brows to her. She looked flustered and embarrassed.

"I...I...Umm...uh..." she was stuttering and blushing at the same time.

"I'm so happy for you" I pulled her into a hug.

"Thanks, sister " she planted a small kiss on my cheeks.

"Now help me for my date" I smacked her back.

"Let's go for shopping... Skip the school " she winked at me and I gasped. I gave a lecture to Daniyal about skipping school and now I was doing the same...
There's a limit to hypocrisy Anabia.

But everything is fair in love and war.. right?

We skipped school and she took me to a big mall. There were a lot of beautiful dresses but nothing was perfect for the date.  My eyes were glued on a beautiful pink and creme color Pakistani dress. As you know that how beautiful Pakistani dresses are. I loved that dress. Sarah approved it too. We bought some matching accessories and headed back to her car.

We went to my apartment but there was no sign of Daniyal. He texted me that he'll pick me at five-thirty.
Sarah was such a sweetheart. She was the best sister I could ask for. She did my makeup and hijab.  What would I do without her? As I looked in the mirror... I gasped... I was looking beautiful. Though I had never put any makeup on my face and now this light makeup was glowing on my face.
Sarah was an expert in the hijab too. She saw a tutorial video on YouTube and she tried on me.

I looked at the clock. Only fifteen minutes and he'll be here. I was getting nervous.. my body was trembling even I could see my goosebumps.

Calm down's just a date... a simple date.

I heard the car horn and walked out with Sarah. My eyes traveled to Daniyal.  He was looking damn... sorry I had no words to describe his charms.  But I could feel my heart was racing fast. I could feel intense butterflies in my belly when he was eyeing me from head to toe.

Sarah cleared her throat to get our attention.  A blush crept on my face.
"Enjoy your day" she winked at us and hopped in her car.

Daniyal came closer to me and his gaze was burning my cheeks.
"Anyone could fall for this beauty and I'm lucky that you are mine," he said huskily in my ear and I blushed again.
I hate this blushing.

"Stop blushing babe.. or I'll change my mind.  My mind is thinking better and different things which I can do to you" he smirked and my eyes got widened from what he said. I hid my embarrassment and moved to the car.  He followed me smiling and smirking.

He didn't take me to any fancy restaurant. He took me to the beach. I gasped seeing its beauty. There was a beautiful beach house on the sand.

We sat on the sand and I started playing with water.. splashing here and there... he was watching my every move and then he grabbed my hand. I stared into his beautiful eyes without blinking. We leaned into each other and our lips met again. He took me in bridal style and headed to the house.  We laid down on the bed and he hovered on top of me making me insane.

"I want to make love to you babe" he whispered and I kissed him granting permission.

I'm going to end this book soon. Just some more chapters and then enddd.  Well I'm too excited to write the last chapter lol😂
So do vote and comment if you liked this chapter.

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