Chapter 8

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Daniel's POV

Today I wanted to skip school as Emily was staying at her aunt's place. But boys would kill me. So I silently got ready for school.

"Daniel " I took my last bite of the sandwich when Maria's annoying voice hit my ears.

"What," I said in a sluggish tone.

"Today I'm visiting my mom with Sarah and Hadi. So the car is not free.  You have to drive Ana to the school" she said eying me and Ana who was standing there nervously biting her lips.

"Sorry... I can't.. I've to pick my friends" it was a complete lie as I used to pick Emily and today she was not coming.

"I don't know, she is your wife... your responsibility " She rolled her eyes.

"It's okay Maria, I can walk " Ana spoke in her usual low tone.

"Okay.." Maria shrugged her shoulders.

I grabbed my keys and started the car.  But something was pulling me back.  How the heck I could leave her alone. She even didn't know about this city.  I  turned my car and stopped as I saw her. She was walking with loose steps.

Great, you'll reach school tomorrow girl.

I stopped my car near her. She stopped for a second and looked at me. Without saying anything she started walking again.

It was enough to irritate me.
What the fuck does she think she is..?

"You are coming with me or should I dragged you in the car?" I said with my raging eyes.  She stared at me for a few seconds then silently opened the door and hopped in the car.  I gave her my disgusted look and started the car.

I was lost in my thoughts then all of a sudden, my car crash into some other car. I frowned as I was already late and now all these things.

I had to pay some fine to the car's owner and again started the car. I looked at my wristwatch. I was going to be late.

"I guess you are a bad omen," I said annoyingly.

She looked at me with her wide eyes and whispered.
"Dadoo told me that I was good luck for him"

I returned a glare. She silently turned her face to the window.

I stopped my car in front of the school gate.
"Now walk yourself to the class. I'm not coming with you" I scoffed.

She silently exited the car and moved towards the class. I turned my car to the parking area.

I stopped at the classroom's gate as I saw she was standing there bending down her head.

"Why you guys are late," Mr. Paul said in his high-pitched voice.

"I got an accident, now let me come in," I said sluggishly.

"Wait Daniel... this time no... You never showed yourself on time... detention and you miss Waqar.. detention " he almost scolded us.

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