Chapter 17

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"Uh..ummm...." my face became pale. This was the first time when I had to encounter this type of situation.

She came closer to me and scrutinized me with her green eyes. I remembered when I first met her I found these eyes beautiful... and now it was scaring the shit out of me.

"Listen, Honey, if you ever tried to open your mouth for what you saw... I'll make sure to make you homeless." She broke into a smirk.

"B...bu..t yo...u... were" I stammered and she enjoyed my stuttering.

"You know very well... there is no one to save you... Afzal brought you here cuz he was interested in your property...and your so-called husband Daniel...(chuckle) was forced into this marriage... in fact, he was looking for a way to get rid of a nerd like you.. so better keep your mouth shut or the next moment you'll find yourselves on street" she said with an evil grin.

I swallowed back the lumps which were forming in my throat. So it was her real face...

"I hope you'll get it..or be ready for the consequences little nerd.." She chuckled a little.

"If you had ever thought what would happen if Dad would know about this " I heard the same deep voice... I turned around to face him.

He took a few steps towards us and eyed Maria with a small smirk on his face. Maria's facial expressions changed a bit but she covered them with a fake smile.

"Oh wow! You are taking a stand for her... really " she asked slyly.

Daniel's POV

"I'm not taking a stand for her... I'm just warning you.." I scrutinized her face.

"Warn me...? What would you do?" She chuckled evilly.

"Your threats to her shows clearly how scared you are..." I smirked.

"I'm not scared...huh.." She shot me a glare.

"Do you forget Daniel what happened six years ago... you were homeless for one do you think he would believe when he knows that you are keeping so many grudges for me" her smirk came back to her face and her eyes sparkled from evilness.

"That time I was a kid Maria... now I don't care about Dad's money... and now I have my ways to get proofs but you know what...." I stopped and looked at Anabia... her body was shivering and her eyes widened from shock.

"I care about my dad...I just don't want to make him disturb when I know he is a heart patient. And I care about my sister and brother... I don't want that they spend the rest of life in shame that their mom was a slut... if I'm keeping my mouth shut then it is cuz of my Dad and my siblings " I sent her a glare and grunted.

"But if you ever tried to accused her or tried to do anything to her...I'll forget everything..."I groaned.

Why are you becoming so defensive.. so protective about her..?
Lol, cuz she is alone and Maria is evil...
Why do you even care about her...? You always wanted to get rid of her right...? Maria can help you with this...

Shut up...

I gave Anabia a soft look and then looked back at Maria who was just speechless. She stomped her feet and left without saying anything.

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