Chapter 34

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This chapter is dedicated to AairaMeher2 ItzShanasiyad and uzma_fatima for voting for each chapter.

Everything was perfect... Everything was beautiful. I could see the smile of Daniyal... a smile of Uncle Afzal. Now they were close to each other. Maria was a changed person. You won't believe she started taking hijab and even started praying. Uncle Afzal was also getting close to his deen. There was a different peace in our home.

All praise to the Almighty... this won't be possible without his will.

"Daniyalllll... wake uppp" I screamed in his ears. Yes, we share the same room now.

"What Bia" he rolled his eyes. I just love it when his tongue rolled my name "Bia".

"Please drop me school " we were free from our papers now. Today was my biology practical and Daniyal didn't take biology... so I had to go alone.

"Nooo... pls go with Sarah.. " he draped the blanket over him and closed his eyes again.

"Okay... I can ask Sarah to pick me but please drop me. " I batted my eyelashes.

"Stop batting your lashes... I'm already in love with you girl" he said with a smirk, I blushed.

"Aww... love you " I pecked his cheeks.

"And I hate you girl.." he glared at me.

"Do you really hate me?" I pouted.

"Yes... I'm so sick from your tantrums.. now let's go" he grabbed his car keys. The whole car ride was silent as he was annoyed at me. I got pissed off.

"Fine... I won't come home today.. you will see" I snorted and tear quickly slipped from my eyes.

"Hey...wait I'm sorry... I love you, right " he shouted from the car but I stomped my feet and disappeared into school.


Finally the practical was over. I sent a text to Sarah to pick me... I was just mad at Daniyal... What does he think about himself..huh..??

"Hey... Sarah is waiting for you outside the school" one girl from high school approached me and said.
I waved to Joe.. she was my partner in biology. After that Aidan's incident... Daniyal asked our teacher to change my partner.

I reached to parking but I didn't see Sarah's car.

"Where is that girl" I frowned as I was starving from food. I just wanted to reach home soon.

I was standing there for about ten minutes but there was no sign of Sarah. I was about to leave when I felt a strong palm covered my mouth tightly and I was forcefully dragged to a car. I did all the attempts to run but the person was way stronger than me.

Wait...I was kidnapped... nooo

Daniel's POV

"Daniyal...please go and pick her. She would kill me.. she sent me that damn text fifteen minutes ago" Sarah was screaming in my head.

These girls were so annoying.

But I guessed it would be okay if I would pick her. I can apologize to her... I would take her for an ice cream date. I knew she would forgive me immediately just by seeing ice cream. I laughed.. she was just cute.. adorable.

"Stop daydreaming Daniyal.. you're blushing like a girl.." Sarah rolled her eyes and I snapped back to reality.

I reached the school and texted her. But I got no reply.. she was probably mad at me. I dialed her number but it was switched off.
She never off her phone.. she was not that careless.. but what if her battery would be dead.

I climbed off of my car and saw Joe with Jace. They were just leaving.

"Hey Joe.. have you seen Anabia, " I asked Joe.. cuz she was her partner in biology.

"Actually.. she left half an hour ago... I think Sarah came to pick her" Joe replied confusingly.

"Half an hour ago.. but Sarah was at home... what's this happening " my heart was pounding.

"Are you sure...cuz Sarah is at home.. in fact, Sarah told me to pick her from school" my voice was almost shaking.

"But.. you know... Elle a girl from high school.. told her that Sarah was waiting for her" Joe was also worried now. I ran towards the school for Elle.

I knew her very well. We just made out a year ago. I was running around the whole school but she was nowhere.

"Fine... I won't come home today.. you will see" her voice rang in my ear. Shit, this was my fault. I was going mad.. who could do this..?

A name clicked in my mind and I drove my car to Aidan's apartment. I rang the doorbell and a blonde opened the door.

"Where is that son of bitch " I groaned. She looked at me with confusion.

"Who is there " Aidan showed himself.. he was in sweatpants and a shirt.

"Where is Anabia" I grabbed his collar and balled my fist.

"I..don't know " he pushed me away.

"Tell me.. or I'll kill you Aidan" I yelled at him.

"See... I came home an hour ago.. and I have no idea what you are talking about... I stopped chasing her after that fight " he retorted... I tried to find a lie in his eyes or voice but I didn't find any.

"Can you give me Elle's s number?" I sighed and asked him. Elle was his ex.

"Ohh yes.. here it is " he handed me a paper after writing a number on this.

"Sorry...Okay... " I mumbled and exited.

Now I was going mad... I had no idea where she would be..? How she would be...? I missed her so much... I loved her so much...

After meeting with Elle... she told me that a girl asked to call Anabia. But she didn't see her face as she was inside the car.

"What was the car number," I asked her.

"I didn't notice... but the color of the car was black and it was Mercedes," she told me and I called one of my dad's friends who was the head of the FBI.

The whole house was worried about Anabia. Sarah was blaming herself and Hadi was crying continuously. It had been seven hours since her disappearance but we got no clue.

I crawled to my bed and laid down. I started staring at her picture.
Then my phone rang. It was a call from the FBI.

"Daniel.. we have traced Anabia's cell phone... we need to reach there soon," he told me and I stood up quickly from the bed and ran towards my car.

Do you guys have any idea about her kidnapping..? Umm... just let me know what you guys think.. yes the story is going to end.. but I just wanted to put a little twist in this story. Do vote and share this story with your friends...

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