Chapter 9

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Sarah texted me that they were planning to stay at her grandma's place. Dad was on a business trip. So I was alone with Anabia.

I was watching Netflix when my stomach grumbled. I sighed and made my way towards the kitchen

As I was about to enter the kitchen, I stopped, realizing She was already there, trying to cook something.

She felt my presence as she tilted her head. She was wearing a pink long shirt with white beads and white trousers. Her head was wrapped in a pink scarf. I realized that she was hot... no hot was not a suitable word... She was beautiful...

She was biting her lips nervously as I was staring at her continuously without uttering any word.

Why I was checking her out like this.

"You want something?" I came back to my senses as I heard her angelic voice. Angelic..really???

"Umm... I'm starving. Where are maids " I said looking in the kitchen as I didn't find any maid or cook?

"I told them to leave cuz I wanted to cook something  " she replied nervously.

"What the heck...I'm not going to eat your crap " I said with a scowled face.

"Okay," she sulked a little and exited from the kitchen.

I opened the refrigerator but there was no sign of food.

Sighing, I ordered pizza, and grabbing a bottle of water I laid down on my bed.

It's been an hour but there was no sign of my pizza. I was frowning.

"Daniyal, here is your pizza" I was cursing the pizza boy when Ana entered my room with the box of pizza.

"Place here," I said in an ordered tone. She placed the pizza on my bed and turned to leave when I called her.


"Hmm" she looked at me with confused eyes.

"My name is Daniel, so next time I don't wanna hear Daniyal from the pretty mouth of yours " I scowled, I just didn't like it when someone called me Daniyal. It reminded me of my mother. Only she had the right to call me Daniyal. I'm now Daniel for everyone. I knew they sound familiar but it made a huge difference when you pronounce it correctly.

"But.. I got married to Daniyal " she almost mumbled to herself.

I sent her a death glare.

"I can show you my nikaah's paper. It's "Daniyal " in my husband's corner," she said shrugging her shoulders.

I was already in bad mood and now these silly arguments. I stood from my place and held her wrist.

Anabia's POV

As I saw his face, I felt a shiver in my spine. I was scared, I tried to run but he pinned me against the wall. Tears started streaming down my face and I gave him a disgusted look. He was now torturing me physically.

"Let me go" I whined and a signature smirk appeared on his handsome face.

You hate me right?" I shook my head and he pulled me closer to his chest.

"Feeling is mutual honey " his hot minty breath reached my ears.
He gripped my arms tightly and I winced from the pain.

A tear fell from my eyes, I tried to push him but he was way stronger than me.
"Daniyal, it's hurting " I cried out.

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