Chapter 35

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Anabia's POV

I woke up with the worst headache ever... I looked at my surroundings and I found myself in an unfamiliar place.

Where am I??

I tried to move but I realized that my hands and feet were tied to the chair with rope.

I scanned around the room, the room was dark and messy. The only light I could see was coming from the large window which was on the opposite side of the wall.

Am I going to die...?

Millions of thoughts were popping in my mind... it must be Aidan who kidnapped me.. but what he wanted.
I felt dizzy as I hadn't eaten since morning. A face flashed on my mind and a tear fell from my eye...

Daniyal... he would be probably mad.. had they found about my kidnapping or not?? What if they would think that I died or left the country..?

Shhsshh Bia... stop overthinking

Suddenly I heard footsteps approaching me. I shifted my gaze to the entrance. There were two men whose mouths were covered from a mask. And a figure walked towards me... it was probably a girl. But I couldn't see her face due to darkness. But why the heck a girl would kidnap me??

"How are you little terrorist.. you have your towel still on your head" she came closer to me and chuckled evilly.

Lily...? It was Lily..?
Allah... but why the heck she kidnapped me...I know she didn't like me that much but kidnapping ??

"Lily.." I muttered.

"Ohh wow.. you got it.. smart huh?" She chuckled again.

"You..kidnapped me.. why?" I realized that my voice was shaking.

" You don't know anything " she trailed her finger on my face and I flinched.

"What I did, " I asked confusingly.

"You... you're my biggest snatched my Daniel and made him yours " she snorted and I gasped.

Seriously.. ? Her Daniel..? If Emily would say this to me then it would be okay but Lily.. seriously?

"Your Daniel..? He didn't notice you ever...and he is yours.. seriously.?" I retorted.

"You bitch" she clenched my hair through my hijab and punched me in my nose. The blood started dripping from my nose.


"Have you any idea how much I love him... I started liking him the first time I saw him in school... in 4th standard. But he never paid any attention... and in the middle school my dreams came true...he kissed me.. he freaking kissed me.." she balled her fist and hit the arms of the chair.

"I thought he liked me too but after that kiss, he never put a second glance at me... he dated a girl in 8th standard... and you have no idea what I did for their breakup.. and finally they broke up... but in freshmen year that hoe Emily... " she stopped for a second and scanned my face.

"I've saved myself for Daniel... I slept with a lot of guys but I never dated one.. cuz I was waiting for him... I knew he didn't love Emily.. one day they will break up... I was just waiting for that moment and finally one day...   they broke up" she sighed and glared at me.

"Everything was fine..but then you little bitch appeared and you are freaking wife of him..and it made me mad that he loves you... he looks at you differently..he'd never looked Emily in that way.. he smiles around you... he really loves you.. so if I want Daniel in my life then I have to kill you " she gave me a bitchy smile.

"Kill...? Umm..." I was startled by her words. She was planning to kill me.

"Yes little terrorist... have you any last wish. " she pinched my cheeks harshly.

"Do you really think when Daniel would fine about you.. he would spare you?" I retorted.

She slapped on my cheeks and I flinched again.

"Shut your little dirty mouth terrorist"

"Why you can't just accept the fact that he doesn't love you...he could never like you.  Love comes can not force anyone to love you " I sighed.

"Whatever... but he is mine only mine" she gritted her teeth and picked a knife and touched my cheeks with that knife.

"'re scared... beg me for your life," she said with an evil grin.

"I would never beg to you. I've complete faith in my Allah...I know He would save me" I smirked.

She punched in my stomach and I winced from the pain. She started throwing punches and kicks on my stomach until I fell to the ground with my chair. She untied my hands and moved the knife towards me. She was going to stab me in my stomach.

I closed my eyes.. so it was my end.. no one came to my rescue...

"I won't kill you from that knife.. I've planned something else for you," she said making a cut on my legs and hands. I was bleeding, she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the window. 

"Everybody would think that you fell accidentally from here and die " she whispered in my ears.

"Goodbye... terrorist " she chuckled and pushed me harshly, my whole body slammed hard against the window and I felt a strong pain.. my whole body was bleeding.

My body was flying in the air...
So this is my end...? I'm going to die..? I'm going to leave everyone..?

Daniyal...Sarah...Hadi.. my friends.
Everyone's faces started passing through my mind. My body reached the ground... I accepted my fate.. my bad I couldn't see my family last time. I couldn't see Daniyal last time.

The pain started increasing and darkness consumed me... Everything went blurry from my vision and there was silence around me... I could only hear my heartbeats.. my last heartbeat. I found that suddenly my pain started vanishing.. peace started hovering over me.. now I just wanted to close my eyes forever.

I heard the last voice.."Biaaa " he came.. finally he came... But I was going.... was my mind. I had given up... I wanted to see his face last time but I had no power left. He held me in my hand...I could feel his touch.. his warmth.. soon everything there was only me and my darkness. I left this world.

Don't hate me for this but I had no other choice... if you really love Bia please vote for this chapter... only one chapter is left. 
I'll try to give the next update after a few hours.  Keep reading ❤

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